It's not over tonight [Just give me one more chance to make it right]

May 08, 2008 19:48

Patient's Name: Dean Winchester
Fandom: Supernatural
Word Count: 300ish
Patient's Partner: Carmen Porter [ihvlowstandards]


How well do you know your partner?

Carmen shoved the magazine in front of him and grinned. He was supposed to fill it out. How well do you know your spouse? (And he was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to complain about it, either.)

But she wasn't his spouse. They were not spoused. He hadn't proposed, there was no one knee thing with flowers and a ring. There was no ring. He couldn't do it. He tried a couple times, he walked into the store -- dragged Sammy with him, matter of fact -- he looked at the rings and then he walked back out and to the nearest burger joint.

He gave her one of his put upon looks, usually directed at Sam or occasionally at his mother when she asked him to do the dishes (That got old real fast and seriously why couldn't she invest in a dishwasher?), and she gave him one right back. Raising her eyebrows for a fraction of a second before shrugging and heading back to the kitchen to finish dinner.

Dean had cooked the night before, mind you; they had an equal partnership, okay?

He looked over the quiz briefly as he waited, flipping the pages before settling back on the one she'd left open for him. It was some crap in Cosmo of all things, but she was pregnant and prone to reading them at the grocery store as she directed him around and cracked open the nearest box of chocolate whatever to munch on while they walked. She was predictable.

When she called him for dinner, he left the magazine open on the table. It wasn't just the glossy pages that caught the light when he put his arms around her friggin' enormous belly and bent down to kiss her cheek and apologize.

It wasn't romantic, but it would do.

[For the record, Dean did fill out the quiz.]

supernatural: dean winchester

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