68.6 - (65.1) When did you know you were in love?

Jun 14, 2009 21:29

Patient’s Name: John "Pyro" Allerdyce
Fandom: X-Men
Partners Doug Ramsey (doug_ramsey) and Jean-Paul Beaubier (tm_northstar)
Words: 550

I'm pretty fucking stupid when it comes to knowing my, erm, romantic emotions.

At least, I used to be.

I was only 18, just about 19, when I started dating Doug. (He was 17.) He was my first real relationship. The one guy I slept with more then once, saw more then once, wanted to be close to and see as much as I could. (Hard, back then, with what I did for a living. But we worked on it.) It was odd and strange and I didn't quite understand what was going on with my heart and emotions and all that shit.

I remember, after being hurt in the line of duty on a mission, I tried to break up with Doug. Because my life was dangerous and, I don't know, I thought he was a distraction. I remember trying to break up with him, and he was confused and hurt and just asking why, and I yelled out, "Because I'm in love with you!!" and punched a wall.

Yep. That's when I knew I was in love with him. When trying to break up with him hurt so much-- emotionally, and physically. A whole bunch of different shit happened in the year after that (including him being framed for murder, an actual break-up, me almost dying, and other stuff too), but that was the moment. That's when I knew I was in love with Doug. When I punched a wall and yelled at him for the first (and last) time.


Fast forward to over a year later, and all that bad stuff is finally over and settled and life is moving on. I'm in love with Doug. I'm happy with Doug. I'm living with Doug... and Doug points out how me and my best friend, Jean-Paul Beaubier, keep flirting with each other and were obviously into each other.

And I was all, "Bwah? What? No."

Well. It kinda ended up that Doug was right. Doug's always right. But after that first time, all of us being together, on the same page, consensual, and all that... yeah, I knew that I wanted to be with Jean-Paul too. And that wasn't easy, it was a whole process getting used to the idea it was okay to be with two guys, but it is. For us, it is. And I'd say it only took two months, maybe, to know I was falling in love with JP as well.

I had moments of... anxiety, nervousness, stuff like that, then too. Why? Because, how could it take me so long to know I was in love with Doug, but it seemed so easy with JP? Did Doug hold that against me? Was he feeling badly? Did I fuck up? Was this going to work?... and on and on. But we worked it out, all of us. Together.

Three dudes in love.

Guess the path to how were got here is important, and so is the timeline. The 'when's stuff. But, really, the most important part? Is that we are where we are, and we're only going forward.

Other then doing whatever it was they did to make me fall in love, Doug and Jean-Paul have also turned me into a big fucking sap. Shit
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