68.6. You mean it today?

Jun 14, 2009 16:12

ooc: jkhellion used with permission and love.

Alfred: I love you.
Sarah: You mean it today?
Alfred: Of course.
Sarah: It just makes it so much harder when you don't.

- The Prestige

Sally Blevins was excited and awake at seven after a wonderfully long party at Mike's. She would have slept in a little longer before the photo shoot she had scheduled at one in Central Park but Julian was coming. He'd promised and really that right there should have sent up a red flag of some kind to her. How many broken promises would it take before she got it through her thick skull that words were often meaningless?

By eight she was showered and figuring out what she wanted to wear for the shoot.

At nine she was getting anxious and popped in one of the Office DVDs to amuse her.

When ten rolled around she was angry with herself for expecting him to actually make it.

Almost an hour later she was heading down the stairs and wondering what all the ruckus was at the bottom of the stairs. That's when she'd seen him, surrounded by all of his adoring fans and were those photos he was showing everyone? Yes, yes it was.

Sally was never more thankful for waterproof mascara as she hurried past them and headed to her photo shoot. The rest of the day flew by in a blur but Sally was professional and got the shots she needed without any drama. When she headed home at nearly eight she wondered if maybe Julian was still around but Megan settled that when Sally found her friends on the steps, almost as if they were waiting for her.

"He left an hour ago," the pixie said and her wings flitted nervously behind her.

Sally just nodded and slipped past them. "We're going to dinner!" Cessily called out as she was about to enter the school.

"I already ate at the shoot but thanks." It was lie. She'd skipped breakfast because he'd never showed and lunch had consisted of eating this and that off the snack table. But she wasn't in the mood for lively conversation.

Sally just wanted to curl up in her bed and have a good cry. There was still that small flicker of hope that he'd left her a note but that was quickly dashed once she entered her room. Nothing. She changed into her pajamas and cracked open her window to let the night breeze in. As soon as her head hit the pillow the tears started, her body shaking with the force of her sobs. Deep down she knew she was being dramatic but it wasn't fair. She'd been the one to tell Julian she'd missed him and he'd managed to see every single one of them but not her. She wished she'd never told him the truth.

The truth only managed to hurt; didn't she realize that yet?

She was lost in the sound of her own sobs that she didn't realize someone else was in the room until the bed moved under her. "I said I wasn't hungry," she bit out and wiped furiously at her eyes. "Just go eat without me."

"Then all this lasagna that I bought is going to go to waste, SB."

Sally turned at Julian's voice and looked at him through her tears. "What..." But he had gone back to Africa. They'd said so and...

"Did something happen at the shoot?" he asked and sat down beside her. The concern in his expression caused her to let out another sob.

"No. It was fine." She wiped at her eyes and couldn't bring herself to look at him again. "Everyone said you were gone." There. More truth. She'd see where that got her.

Julian unpacked the containers of lasagna and nudged her to sit up. "Like I'd give up time to spend with my girl."

Sally sat up and took her tray of food from him. "We were supposed to have breakfast."

"Trouble at the camp. I had to stay and help out so I got here a little late." He handed her the utensils and smiled that smile that always had her caving. "I'm here, aren't I?"

She smiled back and rested her head on his shoulder. Yes, he was and that was what mattered. Eventually she'd learn Julian time. "Don't get food on my bed, Jules."

He laughed and the two of them ate as he shared his photographs and stories with her and she told him about her shoot and therapy sessions. When dinner was over the trays were neatly set aside before they began frantically pulling off one another's clothing. It was fast and rough and everything Sally had been missing and then not an hour later they went slow and he'd teased her body perfectly.

"You should go to Kenya," Sally murmured later, curled up against him.

"Mmmm." One of his hands held her securely to his body while the other threaded in and out of her hair.

"You know you wanna and it'll be a good opportunity." She kissed his shoulder and closed her eyes. Sally wouldn't advise him finishing up in Ghana and returning home, not when she knew going on to Kenya would be a good opportunity. Not even when it meant he wouldn't return until August. "Just come back and visit sometimes?"

"I will," Julian murmured and Sally hoped that hadn't been a promise.

She was learning.

Sally Blevins
partner: Julian Keller (jkhellion RP based)

x-men: sally blevins

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