64.1 Discuss your current living situation

May 13, 2009 20:27

ooc: Future fic! jkhellion used with permission and love. :D

Sally Blevins did not want to be here. She did not want to listen to Julian rave about this apartment that he would be the proud owner of in three days. Did not want to get the grand tour of the place he would call home. But she had her smile plastered on her face and followed him dutifully to the building and up the elevator, faking happiness as she listened.

He was excited and she knew she was supposed to be just as energized about this move. Deep down she probably was because she knew it was good for him. It was time he moved out of the mansion and got a place of his own. He was at that point in his life but...where did that leave her? Where did that leave...them?

There is no 'us', she reminded herself as they exited the elevator. They were just as they had been three years ago--friends, whatever that meant. They definitely had the strangest friendship she knew of. He was talking though and Sally forced herself to focus on him and not her own awful thoughts. There would be time to contemplate those once he was gone and she was left back in the mansion.

"Just look at this place, SB." Julian pushed the door open and grinned, waving for her to enter ahead of him. "Just think of the parties I will be able to host here. Think of the chicks that will be able to attend." He leaned against the kitchen island and nodded his head in approval. "It's awesome."

Sally looked around. It really was a nice place. Something she would never be able to afford. Hell, she knew she'd never afford anything on the Upper East Side near him. "It's..."

"Awesome," he interrupted and ushered her towards the bedrooms. "The best bachelor pad there is. Perfect for a single guy."

She smiled brightly back at him and tried not to sigh as his back was turned to her. He showed off every room, going into intricate detail about how he would decorate the place and she kept up the facade of happiness. Just once Sally wanted to be able to move away from him as easily as he seemed to be able to do with her.

Sally stood in front of one of the windows and watched the tiny cars and people move below them. "It really is perfect, Jules."

Julian smirked and nodded towards the front door. "Come on."

Reluctantly she followed him out of the apartment and raised an eyebrow as he opened the door the next apartment. "It's slightly smaller," he began and Sally gave him a baffled look. "What do you think?"

"Why would you get the smaller one?" she asked and trailed after him.

"Not me, silly," Julian informed her and sat on top of the kitchen island. "I figure you wouldn't mind the smaller unit." Wait. What? Sally stared at him, not quite processing what he was saying. "Besides, you have less stuff than I do. Have you seen my wardrobe?"


Julian hopped off the counter and strode over to her, spinning her around so she could see the rest of the place. "What, you don't want it?"

Sally turned so she was facing him and held up a hand to stop the foolishness. "You bought me an apartment? The place next door?"

"I haven't bought you a place," he told her and she frowned, trying to figure out what was going on. "But I will. If you want to be neighbors." He smiled that damn smile and Sally nearly pounced him, hugging him tightly.

"Yes," she murmured, her smile genuine as he hugged her back.

"You can't paint the whole place purple," Julian murmured before Sally kissed him.

She'd figure out how to explain this to Tabby later. Right now Sally wanted to enjoy her first session of making out in her new apartment.

Muse: Sally Blevins
Fandom: X-men
Word Count: 656
Partner: Julian Keller (jkhellion RP based)

x-men: sally blevins

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