52.5 - Reunite

Feb 13, 2009 18:59

Muse: John "Pyro" Allerdyce
Fandom: XMen (RP verse)
Words: 440
Partner: doug_ramsey
OOC: Doug used with permission and love!

At first, when he gets home, John doesn't think there's anyone there. He's quiet and not making much noise, and it's not 'till he walks down the hall towards the bedroom that he realizes that there is someone home. And, if the clicking of the computer keys is any indication, that person doesn't realise he's home either.

John pops his head into the spare room/office area, and is surprised to see it's Doug who is home. Doug's... well, Doug isn't home much, he's a busy guy, but John couldn't be happier that he's there.

"Hey you," he says.

And startles the hell out of Doug, if the way he nearly falls out of his chair is any indication. Doug's head whirls around and sees John, whose taken a step inside, and a brilliant smiles crosses his face.


And you would have thought it was the blond boyfriend that has the superspeed, with the way that John is very quickly tackled in a tight Doug hug.

"Hey babe," John says, arms going around Doug's waist and holding on tight. "Missed me?"

There's a muffled answered, but that's because suddenly, there's a pair of lips smushed right up against John's.

John tears his mouth away just long enough to say, "Do you know what today is?"

"Having Sex day?" Doug replies, grinning.

"Well... yeah," John concedes. But he rests his forehead against Doug's, lovingly. "It's also the two year anniversary of our first non-date. We hooked up for the first time two years ago, Doug."

They hadn't admitted to each other at the time that it was a date, or that they were even gay, but by the end of the night? Yeah. There had been kissing and handjobs in that old treehouse at Xavier's. They'd been together (for the most part) ever since.

"We should celebrate," Doug says, and his hands start to drift lower. "Our anniversary, and you being home."

"With sex?"

"Heck yes."

"I'm game."

A little while later, they're on the bed, panting heavily, skin covered with a sheen of sweat.

"God, that was hot," John says, pulling Doug closer, if that was even possible.

Doug just hums contently, and licks John's neck.

John mentions, "Yeeeeah, I should probably call that other boyfriend of ours, or he'll be pissed he didn't know I was home."

"Will that mean more sex?"

"Fuck, yes."

"I'm game!"

John laughs. "Me too." He leans in and kisses Doug softly, and murmurs, "Happy Anniversary, babe."

Doug smiles. "You too! Love you, J."

"Love you too. Forever."

"You're such a sap."

John rolls his eyes. "You made me this way."

Doug just laughs, and kisses him again.

ooc: Happy 2 Year Anniversary, Doug!mun!! *MWAH* Love you, and your boy, to pieces!
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