52.5: Discuss something unexpected that happened in your relationship (formerly 43.4)

Feb 13, 2009 19:18

We're having a baby.

It doesn't seem to matter how many times she says it, either silently or out loud to the pale, tired face that stares back at her from the mirror. It still doesn't seem real. Maybe because she can't yet feel it, or see the evidence of it, and she wonders if it will truly take months before it will sink in, if she'll have to feel the flutters of movement and see her body change before she'll believe that there is a tiny life growing inside of her, a little being barely a millimeter long. Just a minuscule bundle of cells, yet her body is throwing all of it's energy into sustaining it, nurturing it. Already she's shoving aside her own wants in favor of what's best for it (for the baby. The baby. 'It' sounds terrible), giving up the caffeine habit she never thought she'd be able to kick (and it was a day or two of misery and pounding headaches, but since she was already a mess, she thought it was best to get it over with at a time she'd feel like crap regardless of whether or not she'd had her morning mocha), changing her diet, giving up the nightly glass of wine, reading up on possible risks and things that it's best to avoid (no more sushi for her, it seemed, or herbal tea, not that she had ever been much of a fan of the latter).

To say it's an unexpected development is an understatement. It was unwanted. The odds of them conceiving a child--even considering the circumstances--had to have been incredibly slim. How many people struggle to have a baby, people that want one so desperately they'll pay and do almost anything to have one? One little mistake, seven little pills that went untaken, and boom. Two people convinced that they're the last in the world that need to take responsibility for a new life are suddenly going to be parents.

We're having a baby.

Three is really a very scary number.

Muse: Baileigh Solis
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer OC
Words: 342
Partner: Julian Sark (elementof_risk), Alias, RP based

original character: baileigh solis

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