49.2 Useful

Jan 21, 2009 00:38

Muses: Jacob Black & Renesmee Cullen Black (Canon)
Fandom: Twilight Series
Prompt: 49.2 - Useful.

Nessie is pregnant. Nessie is pregnant. Nessie is pregnant.

The words resounded in his mind, a repetitive mantra that hadn't stopped since that morning when she had dropped the bombshell news. He was thrilled and terrified all at the same time. On one hand, they hadn't been sure that this would be possible at all. On the other hand, he was going to be a father. Him. Jacob Black. He was going to be a dad. All day he had been doting over Nessie, following her around and not letting her lift a finger to do anything. His normally overprotective nature was in over drive and only getting worse. He couldn't help it.

So it was, that he walked up the stairs of their home to the bedroom carrying a tray. On the tray was a bowl of soggy oatmeal with too much water in it. A slice of buttered toast that even the mass of butter on top couldn't hide the burnt black nature of it, and a bowl of sliced and peeled grapefruit, all of the juice accidentally squeezed out by Jacob's giant hands. But make no mistake. Jacob was quite proud of this cacophony of food. He rarely if ever stepped in a kitchen. Here, he had prepared a whole meal and had done quite well at it if he did say so himself.

He pushed open the bedroom door to find Nessie where he had left her in bed reading a book. "Hey, I made you food." He placed the tray down proudly in her lap. Nessie couldn't help smiling at the tray. She'd been regulated to bed by Jacob, forbidden to help Esme or Alice cook for the pack or herself. She couldn't begrudge or even complain about Jacob's over protectiveness. Chances were, they'd only have one shot at this. She was more than willing to go along with the overprotective nature that Jacob was exhibiting and that she was certain the rest of the Cullens would be only too happy to pick up should Jacob slip there.

"It looks good," she told him. It was a little bit of a white lie but she couldn't help it when he'd made that effort. Whether it tasted good or not really wouldn't matter to Nessie. She ate because her body required it but she preferred the taste of blood over everything else. "Sit down with me," she told him as she put the book aside. "If I have to stay in bed, so do you."

She took a bite of the watery oatmeal. It wasn't bad. He'd put plenty of sugar and butter in it. Enough of those two and most things could be made up for. It took a lot of butter and sugar to make the sloppy mess look good.

"Well I won't argue with that right now." Jacob said, crawling into bed to watch Renesmee eat. Eventually he would go nuts in here though and have to go outside. But right now he hadn't reached that point yet. "It's really hard to cut a grapefruit. Did you know that?"

Nessie laughed at that and shook her head. She grabbed a piece of the fruit in question and took a bite, even though it was a little juiceless. "Esme usually cuts all the fruit." She'd end up going crazy in the house before long too. She was afraid that'd be a little bit of a fight but she was going to be pregnant for a while, she couldn't spend all of her time in bed. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

He leaned into the kiss at his cheek. "You're welcome. I'm gonna take care of you. I'm pretty stubborn but I can learn to do stuff and be kind of useful here and there. And you don't have to do anything. I should get you a bell that you can ring... or a whistle." His face twisted as he thought for a moment and then added. "A pager?"

Nessie laughed at that and shook her head. "I don't need a bell or a whistle or a pager. You can hear me just fine," she promised him. "I'm pregnant, Jacob. Not terminally ill and I'm not going to be able to spend the entire time in bed. There are things I can do you know." She took another bite of oatmeal and a bite of toast. It was better mixed with the oatmeal, the sugar and the butter covering up the burnt taste a bit.

"No crazy talk, Nessie. You're just gonna chill out." Jacob answered, sitting up to guide Renesmee to sit forward a bit so that he could fluff her pillow against the headboard. "A pager would be less annoying but all the movies and tv shows have bells and whistles. Oh! A blow horn."

"No," Nessie laughed again as she leaned forward and let Jacob fluff her pillow up against the headboard. This was worse than when she was sick. At least then she'd felt bad. She didn't feel bad at all right now. "There is no way you're going to get me a blow horn and there is no way I'm staying in bed for the next nine months. Not unless you're staying here with me."

Jacob smirked, looking at her as if she were speaking Greek. "No way, are you kidding? I'm not staying in here for forever. I have to go be a wolf sometimes. We're going to take turns. I've already discussed it with Alice and Barbie girl. They think it's a great idea, Rose even said it was... first compliment she's ever paid me. They said they would talk to everyone else."

"Jacob...no. There is no way I'm going to let you and Alice and Rose wait on me hand and foot. I feel good. This isn't like when Mom was sick with me. I am not staying in bed for nine months. I will take it easy though. Easy by my standards, not yours or Rose's or even Alice's. I'll listen to Carlisle too."

His features twisted into a mixture of confusion, amusement and annoyance at that. There was no way he was letting Nessie do too much. This baby was a big deal. This baby was theirs and they had been through a lot to get here to this point. "I think you're out numbered, Nessie."

"And I think someone will have to tackle me to stop me and I don't think anyone is going to do that," Nessie told him with a smirk. "I know how important this baby is. I know this is probably our only chance at this. I'm not going to take any risks." She set the tray aside and scooted closer to Jacob, cupping his cheek with the palm of her hand. "I love you. I love our baby and I want this more than anything but I also want to be sane when I have this baby and if I have to be locked in this room until then, I will go crazy."

He could understand that, but he didn't like it. "I don't want anything bad to happen, Nessie. Come on, work with me. I can do stuff for you."

"I plan on letting you do stuff for me. It's your fault I'm going to get fat," she teased him. "I will work with you and I will let you do pretty much anything you want to do for me. You have to work with me too. Okay?"

For a long minute, Jacob seemed to consider this. He watched her, reaching up to push a curl back behind her ear. "Okay, but I don't have to like it."

"Okay," Nessie agreed with him. She ran her fingertips down his cheek and over the curve of his neck, pausing at the scar there. "Have you eaten today?"

"Yeah, I had a pie. You need to eat though. You didn't finish it all." He pointed to the tray with half eaten food on it.

Nessie stuck her tongue out at Jacob and leaned forward to take a bite of oatmeal. She popped a piece of grapefruit in her mouth and watched Jacob from beneath her lashes. "So what's the plan for today?"

"I don't have a plan. I just made you food. Do we need a plan?" Jacob asked, watching her eat. "I just wanted you to eat, stay in bed and let me take care of you, Nessie. That's all. Don't you want to just stay in bed and let me get you whatever you want?"

"Like I'm going to argue about spending the whole day in bed with you. I'm pretty sure we still qualify as newlyweds, pregnant or not," Nessie told him with a smile. She took a bite of toast to keep him happy.

Jacob shook his head, glancing down to the sheets and back up. "No, I mean... if you need anything let me know and I can get it. If you want to do anything tell me and I'll try to make it happen. You know..." He grinned. "Use me."

Nessie couldn't help but laugh outright at that. "Jacob Black, did you just tell me to use you?" she teased him. She put one hand on his knee and walked her fingers up to his inner thigh, stopping there and looking up at him with a mischievous look.

"Yeah." At first Jacob's eyebrows lifted in amusement and then he hesitated and put his hand over hers. "Wait. Can we do that? We can't do that."

Nessie smirked at Jacob. "I'm already pregnant. What do you think is going to happen?" she teased him. "I'm pretty sure we can do that but I can call Carlisle and ask him if you want."

He wrinkled his nose in horror. "Oh, no way. You are not calling anyone to ask them that. No."

Nessie laughed and shifted so that she was on her knees. She put one hand on the curve of his neck, the other one tangled in his hair as she pulled him close for a kiss. "Then shut up and let me use you," she whispered against his lips.

Jacob inhaled a slow, deep breath and vocally exhaled that breath with a groan. How did he say no to that? "Well..." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. "Just this once. And then no more until we have a baby. Okay?"

She'd agree to it now but only because she was well aware that Jacob had no idea how to say no to her. "Whatever you say, Mr. Black," she whispered.

twilight: renesmee cullen, twilight: jacob black

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