49.4 - Discuss something you'd like to improve on for your partner.

Jan 20, 2009 23:33

Patient Name: Nathan Petrelli
Fandom: Heroes
RP Partner: Nonspecific but in the past.
Prompt: 49.4 - Discuss something you'd like to improve on for your partner.


I think that anyone that I’ve been with would say that I was emotionally distant. And I’ve been that way with them all. It’s not really something that can easily be helped. For as long as I can remember I’ve kept a wall up that outlasts any and all significant others.

I’ve always been somewhat guarded as an individual even to those close to me. In most cases I push before I can be pushed. I almost always leave before I can be left. It’s easy to get the general idea of this.

As a man who thrives on order in the chaos and control amidst the mess, I’ve perfected certain degrees in regards to who I am. What I mean by that is that everyone starts the same with me. Then they may make it past one wall, and another, and for the very few even past another wall. I have several proverbial walls. But no one… no one has ever made it past that last one.

It’s not something I’m proud of. But I’ve never professed to be proud of everything I’ve ever done. And I’ve never claimed to be a perfect human being. I have faults much like everyone else and I’ll be the first to admit it. There isn’t even any excuse I can make for it that isn’t a sob story from the past, a past where things just… went very wrong. By this time it’s my decision to be this way. It’s safer. Those who inspired it are either dead or no longer a factor in my life.

I like to think that were I so inspired to do so, I might open up completely to someone some day. At this point I’m just not sure of what my reaction would be were I to see disappointment in what they found there beneath all of the show. It’s a frightening aspect, more so than anything I’ve ever witnessed which is saying quite a bit.

Something to work on for the possibility of the future, I suppose. Right now it doesn’t really seem to matter one way or another.

heroes: nathan petrelli

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