Daily Routine

Mar 14, 2008 15:05

Patient: Heidi Petrelli
Fandom: Heroes/The OC
Word Count: 430 words
Partner: Ryan Atwood make_measaint

Daily Routine

I wake up first always. I’m a morning person and Ryan really isn’t. I go make coffee and sit out on the back patio by the pool. I sit out there waking up, reflecting on my life and maybe praying a little until seven then take the cup back inside, pour another cup and carry it upstairs. I set the cup on the nightstand near Ryan and slip into the shower. By the time I’m out, he’s waking up with his coffee. He gets up, kisses me and then takes his shower while I do my makeup and hair.

After he gets out of the shower, he goes to wake up the boys and by seven thirty when I go downstairs, they’re all sitting around the island eating breakfast. I have a second cup of coffee and breakfast with them before I take the boys to school and go to work. My classes start at 9. I take a lunch break, sometimes with Ryan, sometimes in my office then I’ve got another class right after lunch and office hours until four. Occasionally Ryan stops by my office in the afternoon. After work I go run errands, pay bills, get my nails done, pick up the dry cleaning or shop and go to the gym. All really normal, every day things. Julie, the nanny, picks the boys up at school and usually takes them to the park or the zoo. She tries to keep them out of the house so Ryan can get some homework done before the boys descend on him.

By the time I get home, the boys are there and Ryan has sent Julie home. They’re usually in the middle of building a lego town or a pillow and blanket fort that encompasses the entire house. I go upstairs and change because I know I’m going to end up in the middle of the lego town or fort. Eventually Ryan starts dinner or we order takeout. The boys are supposed to do their homework while Ryan is cooking, usually they end up ‘helping’ him. If you’ve got children, you can imagine how that goes. Simon is seven and Monty is four. We have dinner and the boys really go to do their homework. I make sure they take baths and get them off to bed then I get some work done. If it’s warm sometimes we’ll sit in the hot tub or take a dip in the pool before bed. We watch Conan O’ Brian in bed and go to sleep. It’s a normal, perfect life.

heroes: heidi petrelli

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