Sep 04, 2008 21:24
BTW, before I begin, let me say how cool DirecTVs “NewsMix” feature, which lets you watch little versions of six different news channels and lets you listen to one that you’re focused on, plus there’s a little news ticker at the bottom. Anyway…
What he did right:
· I’m really glad that he’s into renewable energy sources and I’m actually a little fence on nuclear power. A lot of times, I think nuclear got a bad rap because we didn’t know how to handle it properly.
· I actually like some of his ideas on welfare and unemployment reform, especially the idea of providing a type of gap insurance to cover the difference between the job you had and the job you had to take while you find a new gig.
· I like the way he basically attacked his own party (I know, I’m supposed to say “distanced”) and called out both sides of the aisle on screwing things up.
· I really like the fact that he said that he “hated war”. Me too.
· I like the way he stated that America was a country of fighters who don’t give up.
· I like the way he told everybody to chip in and help, almost a “stop whining” kind of rant.
What he got wrong:
· Just like with Palin last night, he lied and fell back on the standard Rep line of telling people that the Dems will raise taxes when it has already been stated that Obama will cut taxes for 95% of Americans. I’m really not sure why they did this too nights in a row.
o BTW, if this is true because of some different way we should be looking at this, then tell me what that is! Don’t just tell me the Dems will raise taxes.
· Personally, I’m against any further drilling, offshore or in the wilderness. Let me tell you why, I think the best way to wean this country off oil, foreign or otherwise, is to produce less and less of it until we have no other choice but to be smarter about how we fuel our country.
· I thought it was a little scary that he brought up Iran and Russia. I know why he did it, to address the fears. But I think the problem is that the way he addressed it made me feel like he was ready to go toe to toe with them at any moment and kind of erased his “I hate war” line.
· He brought up Palin’s executive experience, an experience he doesn’t have himself by the new definition of experience.
I can’t wait for September 26th and the debates.