Sep 03, 2008 20:02
There of course were a lot of things that you can only go one way or the other and they generally fall down party lines... how to handle international issues, war, right-to-life, etc. But you already have your party behind you on those issues, so bringing them up again is just kind of silly. The problem I've always had with that part of the speech is the try and vilify the other side for their beliefs and make it appear that they are somehow pro certain actions.
No one is "pro-abortion"... it just doesn't exist. Very few want all the guns off the street, they just want military grade weapons out of the hands of youngsters. But the way these speeches work is to play at those extremes, to play into the fears of those who only see things in black and white.
What I didn't hear was an actual plan... hopefully McCain gets more detailed, because I really do want to hear the details on how their plan will work.