The Corners You Take Slowly

Mar 08, 2007 06:49

I started a very long version of this post last night and scrapped it because it was just going on and on... and when I say something is long, writing or otherwise, I'm usually not too off the mark.

Anyway, the point of the post went something like this... on my morning run routes, there are these two corners that I have to walk around every time because the morning commuters are usually thrown close to the curbs by inertia, so running right into them would not be a good idea. On my run yesterday, this got me thinking about how there are a lot of things in life where you really need to take a corner a little slower than the rest of the route.

One of them in my life right now is also one of my busted spokes, my day job. I won't get into too many details, as that was one of the reasons this post got long the first time, but it's enough to say that the place can get a little frantic from time to time. I've probably had a half dozen times where I've almost just walked out of the place... I remember even going into my boss' office once to do the deed and ultimately changed my strategy into just making my voice heard on a few issues, and ultimately things got better.

I had an almost quit week a few weeks back... place was just making me sick and on top of it all, there was the beginnings of a good sized exodus of people in the works that was spooking a lot of people, including myself. Plus, at that point, I was supposed to hear from my consulting client about the possibility of going full time with that company, so I figured I had an out.

But something kept me there... I think it was just the idea that this was one of the corners I needed to take slowly. I was messing with my career, and for someone who looks out and notices that he may have another 30 some odd years in this field, well, I figured I could take a pause and maybe see how things all pan out.

As you know from another post, the consulting gig may not work out... in fact, it's been a couple of days since I left a message with them to discuss things and haven't heard back, so it looks like taking it slow was a good idea. Plus, with all these people leaving, the people that are staying are getting treated a lot nicer I'm noticing. Hopefully, my boss' new attitude sticks for awhile... she's been very nice lately and even a little skittish at even the hint of me or my assistant closing the door to her office, in fear we would be quitting as well.

So, after all is said and done, here and I am still at the day job... it's not a bad gig after all. I get to work around music all day, I'm getting to learn and manage new marketing tasks that were a little outside of my comfort zone, and apparently I'm making a difference (my boss mentioned to me yesterday that her boss, the COO, had received a couple of nice complements about my work lately). And in the end, maybe this spoke will fix itself... maybe.

Meanwhile, I look forward to seeing one of the things that is fixing another spoke again this week... funny how when that spoke is in good shape, the rest don’t really seem that broken. :)


busted spokes, work

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