Apr 10, 2007 07:48
I ended up working later than I thought last night and missed my phone interview (or should I say, they missed me!), so I ended up talking to Beki for most of my ride home. Along the same lines as my roommates dilemma yesterday (which she’s still going through today), Beki had a brush with the specter of corporate death yesterday as well.
As with my roommate, this wasn’t with her, but it wasn’t an employee of hers, it was her boss. She was just hired for this job a few weeks back with the intent of becoming the assistant for this particular studio exec, and then they fired the exec… nice timing. Luckily for her, she just goes back into the typing pool until they can find her something else to do, but apparently it was a bit of an odd day for her.
If you didn’t see Rachel’s response to yesterday’s post, she had mentioned that she has fired a lot of people… sometimes a bunch in the same day! I wonder if it’s a little different given her profession, but maybe not. I would think so because with corporate gigs, you get used to certain people being around and if you’re close to them and don’t think they deserve to be fired, it can be a little nerve wracking I think. But then again, if they’re a pain, it could be a real win for you I suppose. With Rachel, it could be quite similar though… while they may not all be stuck in the same office together every day, given how much networking she has to do to get new gigs, it appears like they do have a band of regulars, so you could end up axing a friend.
I’ve actually never been fired. I’ve been laid off twice, and that is very different. Once was at the hotel company I worked for after 9/11 and it wasn’t just me, it was a big chunk of the whole business. The other was at one of the startups, but that time they shut the whole company down. The first time I sweated finding another gig because it was the first time I had been put in that position and the whole economy was in a bad way after the terrorist attacks… but then I found a gig in two weeks. The second time, I decided I was going to go freelance for awhile, and had a ball. I still think about doing that again, maybe if the current gig dries up.
I worked with a woman at the job before this one who had been fired twice… not laid off, actually fired. Yet, she still got that job, and then another after that not long after I left. So, maybe it’s not the end all scenario that it used to be, but who knows, I guess it’s all in how you play it anymore. Hopefully I never find out!
In other news, I got up the courage to tell my boss about the hardware issue yesterday during our status meeting, but then our status meeting got cancelled… going to have to be today… treat it like a band-aide… owie…