[music| Wind blowing up against my house (a lil scary)]
Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your journal, and give out some letters of your own.
So here goes for my
__fakinglines Potato chips: My most guilty pleasure. With dip, cheddar and sour cream, honey bbq, regular, wavy, crisps.
Pumpkins: Always remind me of the fall, of Halloween, of my birthday, of Thanksgiving.
Payday: C'mon. Obviously.
Prison Break: Even though I haven't gotten a chance to watch it in weeks, the boys are still teh sexy!
Point Place, Wisconsin: I wanna hang out with the gang! And maybe bang Hyde. I'm just sayin'.
Pie: Apple. Oh man, I love apple pie. I had that for my birthday dinner instead of cake
Pink: Such a girly color, but I like it.
Potter, Harry: Yeah, I'm getting creative with the placement of the 'P's here. But c'mon, it's Harry Potter! Who doesn't love Harry? 'Cept when he was all annoying and moody and whiny in OOTP
Prettiness: Who doesn't love some prettiness now and again? A rainy day can be pretty, a new pair of shoes, the way you look today. Pretty is good. :)
Paper bags: So much nicer to put your lunch in than a plastic one. I remember taking those on field trips back in Catholic school.
So I keep getting in trouble at work. Well, not so much getting in trouble. More like, I find out that one of my bosses has been talking about me behind my back. This 50-something fat woman must have nothing better to do with her time than bitch about me.
All because I got one kid to help me clean up my floor at closing and we forgot to re-fill the paper holders next to the computers? Bite me. And I was reminded tonight that I was to clean up by myself and carry around the clipboard and sign off of on everything after I did it.
I'm sorry, am I a child? I'm pretty sure I can handle tidying up without you breathing down my neck making sure it's neat enough. And the boss that's talking about me is the head of the children's dept. and everybody is scared of her. So nobody will contradict her. And I think she's punishing me by requesting I be in her dept. every day this week. It's torture. I'm working an 8-hour shift tomorrow and I better not be in children's with her. I'll either curse her out or cry.
And it's kind of unsettling to not know which one. But we'll see. I mean, I'm pissed that she's talking about me, but her being unhappy with me is nothing new. Hence, the 'blah.' I don't really care enough to be pissed off or really angry. I just want it stop. I'm done.
Maybe everybody is right. Maybe I should start looking for a new job.