Dec 07, 2005 15:29
You just watch - a week from now, I'm going to feel like my head is exploding. Finals start next week. I'm woman enough to admit it - I'm a little scared. My statistics class is going to kick my ass. I need at least a C, because D's don't transfer. Son of a bitch.
On the plus side, I got into my friend's communications class with a notoriously nice and easy teacher. So that's gonna rock. And 2 of my classes are on the internet, and I only have to go onto campus twice a week for two classes at 11 and 12:30. Yayness!
And on the really plus side? A guy was flirting with me at work last night. And he's cute (tall, dark hair, intelligent-looking {if that makes any sense to anybody besides me}). Story? Ok - I was pulling reference books that the janitor will dust off in the morning. I get called up to the circulation desk to do a shelf-check, 'cause this patron swears up and down they returned a book. It's nowhere to be found, meaning they have it at home somewhere. So I'm checking for it in the paperbacks, when this guy asks me how I am. I'm nice to people at work, 'cause they're usually just wanting some help. But we talk a little bit, he introduces himself, asks my name and if I work here. Usually I get a little annoyed with that question, but it was alright. Asked what I was going to school for and all that. He's going for computers, which rocks, 'cause my harddrive is a piece of shit.
But he asked me if I usually worked nights, and I said yes, and told him I'd see him around soon. I go back to pulling books with Luke, and I see the guy come back and write something down. I thought he was looking for a book on the computer and was writing down the title, but he wasn't!
It was his phone number and screen name. He motioned me over and said, "This is for you." Gave me a nice smile and walked off.
Now, Luke is a funny guy. He's all "What's that, what's that?" And I ask him what he thinks it is. "A tip." *rolls eyes* "'Cause it would really rock if somebody gave us a tip for helping them." "No, Luke, it's his phone number." "Oooohh. Cool. Be careful."
*laughs* So my night was pretty good. Watch tonight suck ass now. I have to go get ready for work. Take care!!