(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 13:40

Ok, to any of my HP fanfic readers out there:

There was a story called "Send Fudge" that I was absolutely in love with. It's Draco/Ginny, and it's a series of letters between them during the war. It's such a great story, and now I can't find it! I had the url of it saved in my bookmarks folder, and now it's telling me that no such story exsits.

I looked on Portkey.org and Dracoandginny.com. Those are really the only sites I remember seeing it.

Anybody know what happened to it or who wrote it? I think I have an idea of who wrote it, but I could be horribly wrong. So, I'm asking for help. :)

I'll give you...the naked HP boy of your choice with ice cream on top. ;)

I finally saw Walk the Line last night! It was sooo good. Everybody should go see it. Joaqhin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon are so good; very moving. I'm also really likin' the guy who played Jerry Lee Lewis. It took so long for John and June to get together and they had been through so much. Makes you hope for that happily ever after.

walk the line, harry potter, fanfic

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