The Empire of the Wolf (3/6)

Nov 11, 2011 23:27

Title: The Empire of the Wolf
Author: country_who
Warnings: Mild-Violence
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Action
Characters: Captain Jack, The Doctor (10), Rose
Pairing: Mild Ten/Rose
Summary: The Empire of the Wolf has finally risen.
Author's Note: Prompted by timelord1
Author's Note 2: Sorry that it's taken so long for me to up date. I've been busy with nano and homework and physical therapy (blech), but I made a banner to make up for it see?

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

The Doctor and Jack were jerked from their conversations when they heard a shrill scream. The Doctor’s eyes widen with fear, and he glanced at Jack. Their eyes met, and clashed for one moment before they both rushed off in the direction of the screams.

The Doctor’s mind raced as images of his time with Rose flashed through his consciousness. He watched the Captain’s military coat swirling around his ankles, as they both rounded a corner leading into an alleyway.

“Rose!” the Doctor cried out, as he spotted what had caused Rose’s screams.

A large black werewolf was looming over her. Its muscles were rippling as it swung back a heavy paw to slash down towards Rose.

“No!” The Doctor cried out, as he ran for the wolf with his sonic screwdriver extended.

His jaw was set in a hard line, ready to give up everyone of his last regenerations for Rose, but as he neared her… someone else beat him to it.

Captain Jack was running towards the wolf, passing the Doctor, and bolting at the wolf’s heaving chest with all the force he could muster. Captain Jack’s shoulder connected painfully with the wolf’s furry, hot hide and caught it off guard. It yelped turning away from Rose, who was sagging to the ground, wrapping herself tightly around something the neither Doctor nor Jack could see.

The Doctor rushed over to her; while he chucked his sonic in the Captain Jack’s direction. He caught it more on luck than skill, as his eyes were fixated firmly on the wolf currently looming over her.

He pushed the button on the screwdriver; it lit up faithfully and vibrated slightly in Jack’s firm grip. The noise it emitted was almost
silent, but affect on the wolf was immediate. It hunkered down and circled Jack, but it made no moves at him.

The Doctor called from his place hunkered down around and protecting Rose.

“Turn the frequency up by two units!” the Doctor yelled.

“On it,” Jack answered, more to himself than the Doctor.

Jack carefully adjusted the screwdriver while it was running, and a new shrill sound erupted from the screwdriver.

The wolf let out a pained whine and bolted away in fear.

Jack watched its fleeting figure and made sure it was gone before switching it off and letting his extended arm fall to his side. He turned on his heel and saw the Doctor gently whispering to Rose. His eyes softened and he kneeled down next to the two of them.

“Rose,” the Doctor cooed, to her as he tried to turn her around and slide whatever she was holding out of her shaking hands. “You need to let go.”

Slowly, Rose nodded and loosened her grip.

Jack’s breath caught in his throat and his stomach knotted painfully as the Doctor held a small child in his arms. It was plain to see that the child was barely clinging to life-if not already dead. Blood was soaking through the boy’s shabby clothes and beginning to leak from his mouth.

“Doctor,” Rose whispered. “Is he?”

The Doctor met her eyes for a moment before turning his attention back to the boy in his arms. He gently pressed his fingers against the boy’s throat, but he quickly withdrew them and bunched them into a fist. He shut his eyes tightly and shook his head. Anger swept over him life a typhoon and Rose felt tears falling down her face.

Jack moved closer to her and gathered her tightly in his arms. He felt her choked shudders against him, and pressed her face into his shoulder as the Doctor stood.

He still held the boy’s limp form close to him as he walked away.

Jack watched him leave over Rose’s shoulder and continued to rub Rose’s back with his left arm. His right arm was pinned between his torso and Rose. He normally would have felt very please at this, but not now, not after what had happened and the pain that was radiating from that area.

He tried to ignore the last part; after all it would go away in a few minutes.

“Shh,” he whispered to Rose. “It’ll be all right. The Doctor’s gonna fix everything, just like he always does, okay?”

Rose nodded her head even though she didn’t believe him.

“Here,” Jack said, pulling himself and Rose to their feet. “Let’s get back to the TARDIS.”

Rose nodded mutely; a million questions ran through her head, but she didn’t have the courage or the will-power to ask them.

So instead she whispered to Jack.

“Thank you, for everything, you save my life again, Captain Jack Harkness.”

Jack didn’t reply, just smiled and noted that she had used his full title. Doctor must have been rubbing off on her.

“Are you staying Jack?” Rose whispered finally.

“D’you want me too?”

Rose nodded and Jack smiled.

“Then of course I’m staying.”

Rose gave him a weak smile and stepped in front of him, and looked down at his hand. Thick red blood was running down it and Rose gasped. Quickly, she moved her fingers over the to his arm before he could pull back.

The blood was leaking from a deep wound just above his wrist. The gnash appeared to be a very nasty cut-or bite.

Rose shuddered at the thought and notice how pale Jack was becoming.

“Jack…” Rose started and notice the Doctor was coming up from behind them.

His face was drawn as he neared them, but it quickly changed as he noticed the Captain swaying from side to side and the blood running down his arm. The Doctor stepped up his pace and closed the distance between them in a few long strides.

His face took on an impassive gaze, much like a real doctor’s.

“Jack,” the Doctor said curtly as he friend began to sink to the cold asphault.

Rose helped him to sit down, his head propped up against her chest.

“Jack, listen to me,” the Doctor’s voice was getting lost in Jack’s rapidly clouding head. “Jack, answer me! Did you get bitten?”

A moan escaped Jack’s lips and his eyes began to slip shut.

“Come on Jack,” Rose shook him from her position.

“Hmm?” Jack asked in irritation, but his eyes remained closed.

“Did you get bit?” the Doctor repeated.

“What would bite me?” Jack’s voice was lilting and confused life a child’s.

“The wolf Jack,” Rose told him. “Did the wolf bite you?

Jack waved his hand absently.

“Oh that,” Jack giggled. “Yes.”

The Doctor kept his face passive, when Rose looked up at him.

“Okay, Captain,” the Doctor replied. “I’m sorry for this; believe me I am, but we don’t have another choice.”

The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver out and ran its blue light over Jack’s arm. When it reached the wound, Jack let out a guttural scream that shook both the Doctor and Rose to their core.

His stunning blues eyes widened as he went rigid. The Doctor muttered his apologies through the ten second ordeal. As soon as the Doctor turned off the sonic, Jack relaxed his eyes open and alert this time. Sweat poured from his brow, but he still grinned at the Doctor and Rose.

“What was that for Doc?” Jack was trying to sound pitiful, but the Doctor could tell there was a hint of gratefulness in his voice.

“I soniced your wound to let the werewolf saliva slow down a bit from entering your system too quickly, but it’s not forever, and I need to get you to the TARDIS, now.”
The Doctor’s voice was commanding, yet gentle as he added.

“Can you travel?”

Jack nodded and pressed himself off of the ground and leaned heavily on the Doctor’s shoulder.

jack, ten, rose, the empire of the wolf

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