May 07, 2006 18:58
(OOC Note: Milli-timed to Saturday Night.)
Dooku is sitting in his toom, looking over Bonzo's latest lightsaber design, when Bonzo knocks on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me, Master."
"Come in."
Bonzo comes in, looking slightly annoyed at something...and perhaps slightly unnerved, as well.
"What is the matter, Bonzo?"
"Master, it's about Petra. The girl I was sparring with when you first met me."
Dooku rolls his eyes...Bonzo had been having some problems with her lately, notably Bonzo's disagreements with her about taking advice from Dooku.
"What now?"
"We were sparring and..."
Bonzo closes his eyes.
"She pulled a gun on me unexpectedly."
"She did what?"
"She pulled a gun on me, Master. I was winning the sparring match, I think, and she threw her lightsaber at me and pulled a gun and aimed it at my chest."
Dooku is somewhat taken aback by this...ant it's not just the run-on sentence, either.
"I knew that you two did not see eye to eye, but this is...well, it is unexpected."
"What do you want me to do about it, Bonzo? You did not come here to vent...that much is clear, so what do you want me to do?"
"Master, she said that she had more weapons in her room, even though Security took the weapons she had with her."
"Could I begin work on my lightsaber soon? I am not comfortable being unarmed with someone here who has pulled a gun on me like that."
Dooku ponders this for a long moment, not quite sure what to do.
"Bonzo, as much as I wish to train you more before letting you build your own lightsaber, your concern is legitimate. However, please sit down for a few moments. I sense that there is something else on your mind, and I want to know what it is."
Bonzo sits down and shakes his head, looking at the floor.
"I thought that Petra was a friend of mine, but she has been getting more and more distant. Now she does this...Master, what should I do?"
"You let your feelings for her as a friend cloud your judgement, Bonzo. Allow me to tell you about something that happened to me...somewhat similar to what happened to you. When I was a youngling, I had a close friend named Lorian Nod, who attempted to gain my assistance in stealing a Sith holocron. I refused to assist him, but he went ahead and stole it anyway. When he was found out, he tried to blame me."
Bonzo looks up at Dooku as he says this, pondering it.
"Bonzo, even our friends can turn on us. Being on the losing end of a sparring match does not explain what she did, seeing as you have both clearly sparred before, and I would presume that she has lost at least once."
"No, I know that she lost at least once before, because I saw you beat her. So there is no excuse for her actions that I can think of."
"She did appear to be under a good deal of stress when I first saw her today, Master."
"That is a very fine explanation for her actions, Bonzo, but it is still no excuse unless there is a good deal that I am not hearing. And I do not believe that you are witholding details from me."
Bonzo sighs.
"I do not believe that I am."
"You have mentioned that you mistreated her at one time, many years ago, and the fact that you two became friends since then would not rule out her seeking revenge now...though that does seem unlikely."
Now, it is Dooku's turn to sigh, more in frustration with what to do about Petra.
"I am going to grant your request, Bonzo, though I will help you out a bit more with the design than I had anticipated. I do not care to see you blow up half the Bar with a faulty lightsaber design. Give me some time to make alterations...see me in the morning, and I will give you the design to work with, as well as most of the components you will need."
Bonzo takes a deep breath, partly in relief, partly in excitement.
"Thank you, Master."
And a smile does appear on Dooku's face at that.
"Bonzo, be wary of people whom you believe to be your friends but who do not act as friends. All too often, they will betray you in the end."
"As always, your advice is invaluable."
"There is one more thing, Padawan."
A stunned silence falls over Bonzo as he hears that term.
"Yes, Master?"
"This is not a toy that you are making, and it is not to be used for sparring...or even for training, outside of my immediate supervision until I say otherwise. It is a very dangerous weapon, and you are only to use it in defense of yourself or others. Is this understood?"
"It is."
"Very well. I just want to make sure that you understand that before I let you build one. I was, at a time, concerned that you would not understand that, but...clearly, you do."
Bonzo nods. Yes, there is a thrill of excitement flowing through him, but it is not what it would have once been. Something has changed in the last few months about Bonzo, and he is not acting like a 'normal' teenager would.
"Thank you, Master."
"That is all, unless there is anything else of concern to you."
"There is not. Thank you again."
Dooku smiles, nods, and gestures for Bonzo to leave, turning back to the design.
Now, to rework this design...