Title: The One Where Yunho's A Hapless Pervert
countingcr0wsPairing/ Characters: Yunjae
Rating: R
Form: One-shot
Genre: AR, Crack, Masturbation, Some plot if you squint
Warning: Bad writing, Mentions of Yunho having an affair with white chocolate
Prompt: So we’ve never met but our showers are on opposite sides of the same apartment wall so
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That was so hot! 8D
feel sorry for jaejoong tho that was SO embarrassing!! >A< but hey, if getting caught masturbating to yunho is what it takes for them to finally be together, then it worth it!! XDDD
man I'd love to meet you in person, I get the feeling that you talk at the speed of light xD
But seriously tho, I did like the plot! And pretty much every other plot you write :3
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