Title: The One Where Yunho's A Hapless Pervert
countingcr0wsPairing/ Characters: Yunjae
Rating: R
Form: One-shot
Genre: AR, Crack, Masturbation, Some plot if you squint
Warning: Bad writing, Mentions of Yunho having an affair with white chocolate
Prompt: So we’ve never met but our showers are on opposite sides of the same apartment wall so
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BUT WHILE JJ BEING CAUGHT IMPALED BY SOME DILDO WAS EMBARRASSING, IT WAS FUCKING HOT, RIGHT???????????? OMY GOD, I SWEAR, oh my god, i have a major humiliation kink and a voyeurism/ exhibitionism kink, like oh man. /giddy. well, that doesn't sound like i was possessed. /coughs anyway, i've cleared ao3's humiliation tag. it's sooooo /fans self.
dude, /prays for self. /google image jesus.
lol no. /prays for you, /google image jesus for you, lolololol.
but yeah, i'm serious about the are you serious you liked the plot because after posting it i was like well, i don't do well with those really cute au prompts on tumblr. okay.
man I'd love to meet you in person, I get the feeling that you talk at the speed of light xD
But seriously tho, I did like the plot! And pretty much every other plot you write :3
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