Title: And It Went Like This Author: countingcr0ws Pairing/ Characters: Yunjae Rating: R Form: One-shot Genre: AU, Happy, Romance Summary: Yunho meets his college crush again after a long time. Inspired by: Life
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Omg. I was went through twenty plus pages of notifications to fish find your comment haha. And I'm sorry for the super late reply too. Ugh. Anyway, you should check banana Yoshimoto out! I wrote north point from one of her story, and I began fortune parlor with her writing style too. Haha. Didnt really some across, but yeah. Heh. And not really, lol. Don't flatter me so much, omg. /hides but I guess I was figuring our what I liked about Japanese translated books and I realised that it was how bright it sounded. Like the person was wide awake and sitting at a corner, watching while their mind went too fast for themselves, like idk, haha. So i sometimes try to do that but my friend hates them like the whole Japanese books thing because she says that it's hard to immerse yourseld in it and I guess that's true too becauwe like it always ends with you feeling nothing much. Like you feel like you've just stared at the clear lake and stuff without anything in particular. Heh. Haha talking about FP, lol. I created an ao3 account not too long ago, and I copied FP over and I almost died at all the mistakes, lol. I mean like seriously. Hahahaha. It was kinda terrible, heh. Yep. Sorry for replying so late and I'm really really sorry! I just spent my intended afternoon nap typing away to people. Haha.
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