Mar 08, 2005 20:29
I ask that anyone who calls themself a friend of mine find the proprieters of "" and send them as much hatemail and spam as you can muster.
On a side note... Aaron informed me that they are holding a protest against gays at IPFW and I think that the more people go the better.
FUCKING REDNECK HATE AGENDA, BASTARDIZATION OF A GOOD RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENT, MOTHER FUCKING EVANGELICAL NONSENSE PREACHING THE OLD TESTIMENT LIKE JESUS NEVER HAPPENED. Jesus loves everyone, god loves all of his children... thus these ignorant fucks can suck my dick and choke. I'm not religious, I don't even believe in god, but when these people bastardize their own religion and try to say that god hates anyone they are fuckfaces. Yes god does say that gays will go to hell... according to you asshole, fuck off and die. And all thats in the bible does suggest that being gay will send you to hell... thats why theres about 2 gay churches in our FREE nation fucker. God loves all of his creations assholes, he even loves me, a religious bashing athiest, and he loves gay people. I wouldn't have any of my gay friends live a life with a woman (if its a guy) or vice versa the rest of their lives and never find true love or the comfort of a meaningful sexual relationship. Seriously, fuck your gay ass redneck agenda, fuck you, die, go to hell for your hatred and vigilante justice. The bible preaches tolerance, did Jesus ever say "I hate whores, god hates you, now change and be satisfied in knowing that god won't make your stay in hell quite as bad", hell Marry was still true to her ways, atleast in thought after meeting Jesus, and he didn't condemn her right off for not dropping what she was doing and following him. Fuck you, fuck your hate spreading agenda, fuck your quasi logic full of loop holes and useless information. Oh and uh, dinnosaur, explain that asshole. Fuck your ignorant ass.
I'd go but one of my gay friends is outside at this moment and I'd rather enjoy his good company than talk about these fuckfaces anymore.
I love you all (with the exclusion of the affore mentioned douche bags)