Jun 04, 2008 19:33
My apartment is a mess and I'm sitting here writing a post. Well, I suppose some updates are in order since I've probably cleaned my apt more recently than I've posted.
Work is stressful. I am taking on more and more responsibilities with no mention of a raise since I passed my one year mark. Yes, yes, I know I must ask for it properly, especially since it's a small company and the boss is much busier doing work than worrying about my earnings. But asking for a raise means documenting all the work I've done and I really don't want to come home from work and think about work. Ugh.
I seem to be going to church every week. Huh, I wonder how that happened? Well, I got into the handbell choir and regular choir which means singing every week. It makes church fun! Now that choir is over for the summer, maybe I'll skip a week or two.
Also, at church I met my boyfriend. His name is John. This is funny because my cousin, John, married a woman named Emily Hickey. The two of us are differentiated by calling her John's Emily. Now what will we do?
A month or so ago I started volunteering at the animal shelter. They have lots of cats up for adoption. It's fun to play with the kitties and it is surprisingly relaxing. Someday I may adopt one of them myself.
Also a month ago, John bought a scooter. He said it's "our" scooter. Yay! We've been learning to ride it. It's loads of fun and gets 86 miles per gallon. It costs 5 bucks to fill up the tank.