I feel the need to be a bit whiny, hah.

Jul 06, 2006 13:13

Well I woke up this morning to something scary. I think I was having a dream that I was running in a race and I woke up choking and wheezing in an asthma attack, so not fun :|. I am still feeling a little lightheaded and crappy now, chest hurts and the humidity in the house is not helping. Oh, and I also have a lovely headache and itchy eyes to go along with it. I think I should check the stores for a portable dehumidifier this weekend.

Not too sure what is planned for today, I think count_gregula wants to take a walk today so I will be waking him up shortly from his nap. I think the humidity (outdoors) is not too bad so my allergies won't act up too much.

I'm gonna go back to playing Neopets, voting like crazy to get A.J Pierzynski from the Chicago White Sox on the All Star Team and lurking on LiveJournal for the next 15 minutes...

whiny posts, illness

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