Day #4, and back to public art. Some of my favorite paintings in Redwood City are emdedded onto the walls of tiny taquerias and Mexican grocery stores. I found this charming village scene in
Chavez Taqueria & Supermarket on Arguello Street. I don't know who the artist is, nor the time period or town being depicted, but I'm pretty sure that the little hot-air balloon looking thing that the kids are so fascinated with is the precursor to the bouncy house.
Ciudad de los Tacos: The Complete Guide to All The Taquerias of Redwood City, v. 2.0 says of the Arguello Chavez location:
This is where the Chavez empire started, a modest convenience store and carniceria that now has a taco counter and a few tables back by the beer coolers. As with the sister location on Fifth, it gets jammed at lunch, but the line really moves. Avoid the red salsa, which is of the orange chili-oil variety. On the $2.29 tacos, asada is the best call. Birria is an everyday item. Avoid the lengua. Given its offbeat location, the only real competition is La Casita Chilanga two blocks away. Parking can be tough.
My favorite item on their menu is the Chile Relleno Burrito, which is, just as it sounds, a chile relleno inside a burrito. Is this a thing? I don't think I've seen it offered in any other local taqueria, but it should be. There's another Chavez mural that I would have liked to show you, but there were too many customers in the way and I couldn't get to it. Perhaps in a future post.
I featured a few scenes from the Arguello Chavez in my
2010 RWC Daily Photo series, remember that? I may eventually do an update week and try to recreate some of the other 2010 photos, if there are places that have changed significantly.