Wow. And I thought "Twilight" was crackfic.

May 27, 2009 23:59

But this guy's page is just so...well, let me put it this way. Between the screaming-bright colors (and let me tell you, every different sentence is a different color, and there are a LOT OF THEM) and the eye-melting plethora of "don't click me" flashing links...there are quotes from Pres. Reagan, Luke (of the Apostles) and Adlai Stephenson. Apparently, these wildly diverse views represent the "truth" as seen through the eyes of one really, really isolated individual.

I am not about to put up a link to the mainpage, on the grounds that I wouldn't inflict that on anyone I actually like. I mean, the dude uses Real Video. How evil can you get?

I am, however, thinking of signing his "contact me" link up for gay porn and AFA newsletters (he links to the AFA a few times elsewhere anyway; why not let him know exactly what they think? repeatedly.)

dinosaurs, tom tancredo is a tool, pr0n, surprise & fear & ruthless efficiency, cats & dogs living together openly, signal-to-noise ratio, snakes, slash, prophecy, moment of chaos, fear itself, the english language hates you too, religiosity, true gheity, the universe is lopsided

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