Apr 30, 2007 00:43
Scars are kind of neat when you think about them. They’re proof that you’ve lived - little marks all over that map out all kinds of things. Of course, being best friends with the Slayer means you end up looking like a survival-guide for any Potential Slayer sidekicks. Some bumps and bruises are so weird they’re like a supernatural autograph book. But, they’re still neat - well, at least, most of them are.
You can learn a lot about a person from their scars, mostly because they’ll feel the need to over share the story of just where those marks came from. Except Harry Potter - he’s not a big fan of the story-telling; he’s more with the emo kid thing. And, you know, that’s worked out pretty well for him, selling all those books and landing a multi-movie franchise deal. Yeah. But, I can’t do the emo thing, so I went with the over-sharing thing. This feels like a setup for me to do it now, doesn’t it?
Well, I didn’t exactly get a lightning-bolt-shaped-scar when I tried to end the world, but okay, technically neither did he, because he got his from Voldemort, who was trying to pull a Darth Vader and rid the world of - I mean, who can effectively attempt to end the world without getting a little scarred along the way? But, there’s a long story, one to go along with each little bump. And, really, I looked a lot worse then - I had dark, scary veins going on, all black-eyed baddy, and it wasn’t so much with the fun and friendly.
Giles took me to England, to the Coven. That’s where the over-sharing happened. I had to talk a lot about what happened - about how Tara got shot, about how I’d abused the Magicks before but then just went off the deep end. It wasn’t like the cool deep end, like the I don’t really know how to swim but I jumped and figured it out kind of thing. No, it was like the crazy kind of deep end that we make a personal life choice to avoid. I had to talk about killing Warren - not even just killing him, but sealing his mouth shut and skinning alive with the Dark Magicks. Oh, and then there was sucking all the Magick out of Rack - yes, his name was Rack, but not like a spice rack which would be have decidedly safer but no, just a demon guy named Rack who is probably wishing he never had a freaky fetish for strawberries. And, then, the fight with Giles, which was actually pretty neat with the special effects and the powers and stuff, except that I almost killed Giles. He’s my friend; you don’t fight friends like that.
Oh, and then I tried to end the world, and I beat Xander up - you’re not supposed to try to kill Xander, you’re just supposed to pretend to laugh at his jokes and appreciate his efforts to be useful. But, in the end? It was okay to do all that sharing, because then I got to learn about how everything is connected, and what I represent in that. It was like when Luke first learned about the Force, except that he never really had an evil moment - not really, I mean, it’s a debatable subject, which I only know because I've heard every side of the debate from Xander... which brings up that whole trying not to kill him thing.
Oh, and since then? There’s been plenty of other fun, fabulous times. It’s funny how you cover old scars with new ones, but you never forget the ones that are there. It’s sort of like memories - you cover up old ones with new ones, but the old ones are still there. Or, like fingerprints - unique little signatures, showing who you are and where you’ve been. Yeah. Overall? It’s pretty nifty.