Apr 20, 2006 13:17

so yeah I have the next two days off.... it is gunna be fun....

going shopping today... gunna go to some baby cloths stores... hopefully....

LOL... the phone is back on.... I love it... I missed it...

Boys are dumb... when you hate them but you love them... we are good but things he does just piss me off..

okay little annoyed with the still commenting.... it is old and I am tired of it...

Then people are asking me about why I deleted that post....
Not being a bitch or anything but i dont need my buisness out like that... She should have brought that to me and not wrote it on here...

So people wanna talk shit... here is what you wanna hear:
So people just wanna sit there and talk crap and call me a whore... well you know what... yes I have been with a few guys but you know what... I was dumb and thought that they all actually wanted to be with me... every person that i have ever been with... I have wanted to be with for a while... They just walked all over me and used me...
When I was growing up I was taught to be strong and not let my emotions show... I have went through so much stuff in my life... that would shock most people that find out or here... that is why when people talk crap it affects me so much because I have let it affect me so much where I hit rock bottom and then had to have help to get where I am now... People dont know how much i have given up and let go because I cant trust no one... except the people that have been through it with me... That is why the friends and family that i have now... I will hold forever... no matter how mad we are at each other... or how we dont talk now... I know that it will all be back to normal... and I have them to thank because of how strong and where I am today... So to all my friends i say thanxz!!!
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