Jul 31, 2004 22:33
kylie is making me update... jeez she is controlling. no actually she isnt. she is really nice. so on thursday i was working and my father and i were weeding/cleaning garbage off this hill. this hill is on top of a 6-10 foot cliff. working im thinking "im either gonna fall off or get hit by something my dad threw" cuz im between him and the cliff. sure enough, i was raking and he threw a captain morgans bottle and the top was kind broken, and it nailed me right in the forearm. now for the record of i was raking right handed (im lefty...) it would have stabbed me in the wrist and i would have died. yeah im a lucky bastard. so it hit me and im just like "yeah... thanks dad" and he was like "oh did i do that?" cuz after that brief maybe 3 second conversation my arm was covered in blood. i walked around to the truck, washed my arm off, and grabbed some napkins. my dad went looking for the first aid kit. tired of waiting for him i grabbed the duct tape and taped the napkins to my arm. if you cant duct it, fuck it. if you watch the red green show you know what im talking about. that guy works magic with duct tape. anyways, my dad thinks he should call my mother (he is whipped... its sad) she freaks out and calls all the hospitals that are in the kent/des moines area. we end up going to a hospital in federal way, which took us an hour to find. the nurse was like "wow, a true boyscout fixed this wound" looking at my dad, i was like "he didnt do shit, thats all me" and so anyways i was getting stitches, and the doctor was shaking so bad. he was really grossed out. you could see into my arm, all the muscle and stuff. it was cool. i wanted to play around with it while my arm was numbed, but he wouldnt let me. so anyways we went back to work and worked pretty late that night. on the way home j dollas called me, wanting to crash at my house, but i was too tired. friday i went to work with my mother. my good friend rick, who is a retired pimp, came to chill for a bit. i moved 2 tents into his vehicle and he paid me 5 dollars, for barely doing anything. he offered to buy me a guitar amp, but i dont like taking his money... well i do cuz he has alot of it, but i feel bad doing it. worked late again then went home. today... sat around and did nothing. i found a bag of drews stuff from when he was living here. its got some cool stuff, but i should give it back to him. so yeah tomorrow im gonna take the bandage off my cut and take a picture. 7 stitches... first time ive gotten them too. it hasnt hurt at all, seriously. its cool. well thats about it. yeah its lame, like usual.