Jul 25, 2004 22:39
dont you hate it when church people come over and try and make you feel guilty for not going to church? i do. first of all, i hate church, sorry not all churches, i hate the mormon church. its a cult. deal with it. they come and blame me for me and my dad not going to church. sorry we dislike church. we are sinners, they just want to build the biggest religion in the world using lies and propaganda. seriously, hitler would be proud. in seminary this year they taught us that we should give our money to god, (he receives none of this by they way) and he will give us what he sees fair. communism? i think so. the example that the teacher gave us was say there are two farms. one has 2 people and one has 8. if they make the same amount of goods is it fair that the 2 people get to keep more and the 8 people have less to share. their answer was no. everyone should share what they dont need. seems like if the 2 people worked as hard as 8 people the deserve that extra crop. if 8 people are that damn lazy that they do the work of 2 people they suck. also, mormons go on missions to expand the religion. they do this so it hopefully becomes the biggest religion in the world. they believe that when every country in the world knows of the mormon religion and they have temples that jesus will come back and be our king. now the jews believe that jesus will come, they dont believe he has been here yet, that the last jesus was not the true mesiah (sp?) what kind of religions goal is to take over the world? wasnt it to live ritiously and return to god? therefore i do not support religion in any way. during prayer time i do not bow my head, i sit and think about cool stuff like guitars or skateboarding. or how hot a few girls in my church are. damn they are hot... anyways. i hope this offends people, especially mormons. oh yeah i found the ultimate guitar amp. 1965 bassman aa165 circuit with matching cab. it rules all.