Oct 14, 2007 03:05
i've come to notice it's at night i miss you most.
and not only at night,
but nights where i know what you're doing,
or where i wonder what you're doing.
especially when i haven't heard from you.
which bothers me, because i don't need to.
i shouldn't need to.
but somehow a little i still want to.
curiousity killed the cat i guess.
today was great.
i realized creedence was more mine than ever.
it dawned on me, it doesn't have to be any way.
it can be my way.
so today was my way, and it was great.
i sweeped cheerfully.
i cleaned gleefully.
i unstained the jacket of a nauseated member.
i restored a broken guitar for a needy man.
and best of all,
someone made me really smile.
that smile i haven't truly had in a while.
that beam from ear to ear.
and even if, in the end, it meant nothing,
and is to be forgotten,
and even if he's a few years too old to begin with,
it reminded me that someone can make me smile.
i began to forget that lonely feeling that lingers
and remembered that loving feeling i'll someday have again.
i look forward to the day i find someone new.
something exciting and different,
butterflies all over again.
i'm worthy of it, i know that for a fact.
i'm much too good for this
back and forth crap.
i'm good for something great.
in time, i tell myself.
sometimes i even call myself
today was a good day.
it left me with that life-high.
tomorrow shall be just as good a day,
if not better,
because i say it will be.
i'm content.
PURELY content.