App post!

May 24, 2006 10:47

Character: Wanijima Akito/Agito
Series: Air Gear
Character Age: 14
Canon: Air Gear is a story where high-tech rollerblades called Air Treck have been invented. Using advanced motors and suspension systems in the wheels, Air Treck allow any person with enough skill to virtually fly through the air, turning the entire sky into a road to show off on. Air Treck (A-T) enthusiasts form street gangs and wage small territorial wars, all with the aim of becoming stronger, competing in races, and claiming the title of "Sky King," in typical shounen manga retard fashion.

Wanajima Agito/Akito is an A-T user with a split personality. He wears a white eyepatch at all times. When this eyepatch is covering his left eye, Agito is in dominance. Certifiably insane, he cares only about victory over anyone he deems a suitable opponent, and the carving of scars on his/her body with his own brand of A-T stunts. He lives only for the feeling of being in a life-or-death struggle, and anything else is not worth his time. (If you don't want a few expletives yelled at you, at the very least, get out of his way, quick.) However, when the eyepatch is covering his right eye, Akito is in dominance. Akito is cute, innocent, and sweet. He forms easy attachments to people, and does his best to be free and easygoing, even when wearing the straitjacket usually put on him to help contain Agito. Although both are generally glad to be in dominance of the body, if they get into a situation they don't know how to handle (or, in Agito's case, just don't want to deal with talking to another idiot), they'll switch the eyepatch themself to call the other one out. Another person taking hold of his eyepatch and changing the position also causes Akito/Agito to switch personalities.

Akito/Agito was forced to help hunt other A-T users for the police for an unspecified amount of time, sometimes being literally kept in a cage when he wasn't needed. But, he was eventually freed by Minami Ikki and joined his A-T team.

Sample Post:
Ah, hello, happy people!! My name's Wanijima Akito and I'm an evil morning person! I'm here, well, more Agito's here, for a special training assignment! You know how it is! It's all to help us get stronger, I think. But I don't know much about that. I guess sometimes getting stronger just means putting yourself through a lot of shitty things when it's cold and lonely. I think Agito'll come around to liking camp eventually, I love it already! The zombies make great training partners, you just give 'em a light push and they fall right over! Though, sometimes they try to grab my eyepatch, then Agito comes out, and I lose all the friends I just made. Well, like the old saying goes: "the servant waits while the master baits."

...So, can anyone show me around? Where do we get to sleep? I hope it's with somebody cute! (Agito's thinking the same thing!) And don't worry, I'm still wearing the jacket! Even if Agito comes around wanting to taste some blood, you shouldn't have any trouble running away. Air Trecks don't get very good traction on dirt, tree branches, and old body parts anyway. Living body parts are another story, but even when Agito likes to draw on people's bodies, he never tries it on the parts that're still supposed to be inside the person. "The world is my canvas! And its blood my ink!" he says. I go to tell him he won't be able to make a very interesting painting using only one color, but when I try, he always just sighs and talks about how no one understands him. I can't understand his "genius," I guess.

Ooh, I think the view of those cute little kidneys interested him. One sec!

...fuck, Akito. Don't tell these idiots our life story. Especially not your strawberry-shortcake version of it.

To the point, I'm Wanijima Agito. Unless you're into A-T, undoing nice straitjackets from normal boys, and/or getting your head ripped off, just don't fucking talk to me and we'll get along -just- fine. --You don't know what A-T is? Fuck, I'm dealing with an assload of retards. ...and Akito wants me to explain Air Treck and all the fun races to the nice people. Ugh, fine. We can have our own little short-bus version of an A-T match right here. It's a simple game: everyone runs around like a chicken with its fucking head cut off, until someone manages to BRING ME SOME FUCKING COFFEE. Whoever does it first gets to choose which limb they're gonna lose! Fuck this. Let Akito deal with this shit.

But in case a certain shithole we call an A-T captain is reading this? When I get out of here, the only thing left of you that anyone will ever find will be the brand new asshole I tore you, and the several choice farming implements I used to make the hole! -FUCK- you and your "training"!

Agito's so silly. You couldn't really leave nothing behind of a person except a hole, could you? A hole's defined by what's around it, so...

[Voting post here.]
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