food for thought

Dec 03, 2005 00:49

I've been thinking lately about how backwards and upside down and inside out the world is today. Particularly pertaining to marriage, coming from my want for my husband. :)
Its very interesting to see what scripture says about women and wives compared to how women act today in society and with their husbands. How many women do you see submitting to their husbands all the time and in every area of their lives? From everything to what they buy, food or clothes, to how what and when they clean, and even their physical body. Thats right, you become one flesh, and scripture says blatantly not to keep yourselves from one another unless you agree on a certain length of time! Anywho, I live in a house where the woman rules and runs everything, and there is no peace here because of it, the marriage is definitely failing, both speak of divorce frequently, and my mother has tried to brain wash me since a young child, telling me that women should never submit to their husbands. Ugh wrong! So what exactly is woman's place in society, the assemby, and as a wife? Lets take a peak!

Gen 2:18 And יהוה  Elohim said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I am going to make a helper for him, as his counterpart.”
Gen 2:19 And from the ground יהוה  Elohim formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.
Gen 2:20 So the man gave names to all livestock, and to the birds of the heavens, and to every beast of the field. But for the man there was not found a helper for him, as his counterpart.
Here we see that no animal was good enough, so ladies if your feelin run down cause your not the dominant species, just think, your better than any animal could be for man's helper! (Means even if he acts like the dog is a better companion, hes lying.) lol.

Gen 2:21 So יהוה  Elohim caused a deep sleep to fall on the man, and he slept. And He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.
Gen 2:22 And the rib which יהוה  Elohim had taken from the man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.
Gen 2:23 And the man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one is called ‘woman,’ because she was taken out of man.”
Okay so we weren't first, and we weren't formed after the image of YHWH, man was, but we were created after the image of man, like a copy of a copy.
(Gen 1:27 And Elohim created the man in His image, in the image of Elohim He created him - male and female He created them. (man in His image, He created HIM, then comes the female) I came to realize something really cool about all this because of something a friend said. "Man was made in the image of YHWH, then woman in the image of man, thats why women need blush and stuff to make their faces bright and vibrant. If you notice men's cheeks are naturally rosey and their faces are bright and more colored then most women's." Now this is a very interesting concept to me, now some of you may say, but some women don't wear makeup and have bright colorful faces, yes but think of this; have you ever made a copy? You go to make some copies of the an original, playing with the contrast and color making adjustments with each copy you make. Each of these are exactly like the first, besides the small adjustments made in darkness and such. Then later you go back and make a copy of each copy, but don't make any adjustments. Each is copy of the copy is a little dimmer than the first copy, why? Thats how copiers work, lol. (I make copies a lot at work, lol.) YHWH designed each of us, some men have very colorful faces, others dull, so some women have pretty colorful faces to match the men's, and others have dull, because they were a copy of the dull men. I love to watch people, and this will make a lot more sense to those of you who do the same. Have you seen those couples who if they were both in a room full of people, not anywhere near eachother you would pick them out to be together? They just look like they should be together! Why is that? The woman could be a copy of the man! How awesome! Now I'm not claiming this is fact or truth or anything else, but how cool if it is!
If woman is made in man's image, and each man needs a helper, and we're each designed pefectly for YHWH's will in our lives, and as women were made to be helpers, wouldn't that extend to our "match?" Wouldn't we at least a little bit look like eachother? Seriously! Think about it! One good example would be kids, if you looked like both your mom and your dad at the same time, not just your mom's height and your dads build, but the actual looks, wouldn't that mean they have to look kind of a like? I may just be rambling but it makes sense to me! lol. And the thought of being a copy of a copy is awesome it itself, cause just that statement kills all women's rights bs! We are NOT equal, we were not made to be equal, and will never live in balance if we pretend to be an equal!

1Ti 2:9 Likewise, that the women dress themselves becomingly, with decency and sensibleness, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly garments,
1Ti 2:10 but with good works, which is becoming for women undertaking worship of Elohim.
1Ti 2:11 Let a woman learn in silence, in all subjection.
OOOO did that one hurt anyone??? IN ALL SUBJECTION! That doesn't say in subjection to your husband or your father, it says in ALL! Yea thats hard to do! And in silence! Well thats good cause some of us, mainly me, would probably say something I'd have to repent of if some random guy my age in the assembly started spoutin off that he was over me. YHWH change me!
1Ti 2:12 But I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, rather, to be in silence.
1Ti 2:13 Because Aḏam was formed first, then Ḥawwah.
1Ti 2:14 And Aḏam was not deceived, but the woman, having been deceived, fell into transgression.
Well Well Well, we are not permitted to have authority over men. No more bossy house wives or church ladies tellin the pastor what to do! O wait.. I was dreamin there. Why don't we have authority over them? Eve was created, not first, but second, and decieved. Is that verse maybe saying that we're weaker than man??? Surely not! I am Woman, hear me roar! Isn't that what we're taught from a young age? Don't take no crap from no man!? I don't know about you all but I wanna be a scriptural woman and wife. If YHWH says I'm not supposed to be first then theres a good reason for it, for example control of emotions, you may pretend your rock solid, but we all know each of us throws fits, cry for no reason, and we won't even go to the monthly flow. Men don't have those issues! Well some do now, but those aren't men you'd be marrying anyway... well I hope not. hehe.
I don't know, it takes a long time and a lot of change to get it right in your head and heart on how your supposed to act! We all do so much wrong because of society, but some things we don't even have the opportunity to change living as part of society! But we can definitely start practicing holding our tongues and just praying, cause we are intercessors! Thats one thing we were made to do better then men! lol. And we can practice serving the guys around us! It may sound dumb, but smack yourself in the face and tell the flesh to shut up and then do it anyway! I can't wait to serve my husband and actually do what he tells me! To do something the way scripture commands that so many aren't doing! I dunno its just awesome to know that you won't have the same stupid problems so many marriages today have! I don't wanna go buy 30 pairs of shoes without asking my husband, hello its his money cause guess what! Its his household! der! Making him happy will make me happy, thats the way it was made to be! And it will be such a joy! Thank you YHWH for your instruction! Cause if its not followed it doesn't work! Imagine that! lol. I'm just joyful right now pondering who I am and who/what I was made to be. And I love it.
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