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May 27, 2005 21:15

dustin has been a cooking machine and i fell into the art of crocheting. zucchini bread, couscous, 2 scarves and my first granny square. i love teaching myself new stitches, i wouldn't mind having this book around. tomorrow we are going to the book store and i plan on finding cheap/used old 'how to' books. scarves and summer? well when summer equals rain everyday and good ol' (grumble) weather.com informing me that it won't ever quit. .:*:. i've been itching for a new tattoo real bad this past month. drawing out designs on receipt paper, looking all over the web at sites like bme and bodymodsnet. someone might need to sweep me away to a dark and dirty shop in a bad part of town and have me drilled. .:*:. i am thinking about possibly putting together a little "zine" of sorts for a few friends (or anyone who would want one) that would include things like basic/simple beading and knitting instructions. so many people have asked me how to or wished they could. i think i would enjoy the tedious task of drawing out diagrams of hands.
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