
Sep 07, 2004 11:34


Do you think it's weird that I've been waiting and wanting all summer to get back to school, but now the day before the first day I dun wanna? Even though i've studied and drawn and spent my summer playing videogames and going on the internet pretty productively, I still feel like i took it for granted. TT_TT I'm gonna miss sleeping in on a weekday ... I haven't made my bed today, which is a first. I keep on getting up, doing something, and going right back to bed. I went and watched last night's Sky Sports Throught the Night (HAHAHAH beckham HAHAHAHA) and ate breakfast then went back. Even now, during web page loading times I got back to bed. O_o I really don't want to waste today, it's my last day before the 10 months ahead where I'll have no free time!!! But ...

I'm really happy to go back to school!!! Back to friends!! And back to work!! :DDDDDD

... lol i think that last line just negated the whole first paragraph. w00t

I finally picked up Bleach volume 1 yesterday when i was out at the mall buying school shoes. It's really great, too bad i didn't pick up volume 2 too. :) W00t for my new icon. XD

edit: d'oh my Royai animated icon is too big, and since Photoshop isn't recognizing .gif files(how do I fix that? 8-(), I can't make it smaller than 70k. ;_; So, the Riza/Jean one will have to do. XD
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