(no subject)

Sep 05, 2004 19:39

OMG ... I got addicited to Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution. It's ... too ... good! My fingers have cramped! My hand muscles hurt! You can accessorize in Quest Mode!! OMG ITS TEH ROXORS!!!111 If you haven't played it ... pick it up. I don't care if you don't like fighting games(it's got mountains of tutorials anyway), it's like 15 bucks and there's so much to do ...

Also ... I've drawn several more pics by now(a Royai, Havok, and Havok/Hawkeye to name some) but i have no access to a scanner right now. ;_; I'm trying a non-Arakawa-style Roy too. I want to make it Range Murata-style.

BTW Bayern was beat by Leverkusen ... 4:1. I almost felt like chucking my Bayern scarf out the window, but it is currently tied around my giant San-X panda and looks cute so i will not. ;_; But, i suppose it is just the beginning of the season, right? Yea ...

1. Say something before we start.
I'm eating canteloupe right now. :)

2. What’s your name?

3. How much would you quantify your love of RoyAi?
OTP <3

4. What’s your history with RoyAi?
I've liked it for a few months ...

5. The first time you know of them was?
When I remembered: "Hey, I should check out this 'Fullmetal Alchemist' I've heard of." and ....

6. And when did you start liking them as a pair?
... so I searched for an FMA site, checked out the character bios site of Fullmetal-alchemist.com, and Riza and Roy were my faves and I'm shallow so i randomly thought, "They're a good couple!"

7. Who do you like better, the Colonel or the First Lieutenant?
Hawkeye, actually ...

8. Your reasons being?
She's cool. :)

9. Is there really anyone you like better?
Nope ...

10. Do you have other pairings you like?
Havok/Hawkeye, Winry/Hawkye

11. Do you have an FMA site?

12. Surely the main section is RoyAi? Or do you still want to create one such?

13. Have you ever written anything RoyAi related?
Yes ...
14. Please give the details? And what do you want to do next? (Art, fic, etc...)
Roy abuses his power over Hawkeye in the office after hours ;) And when I get to a scanner, I'll scan the art I've done ... i want to do something sexy next. ;)

15. Do you have any RoyAi doujinshi?
No ;_;

16. Ever made one?
Yes, a pratice one until i get to my actual idea..........

17. Who in FMA do you think is the enemy of RoyAi?
Hiromu Arakawa. T_T She's so cruel.

18. What scene makes you go “This is so shippy!!”?
Episode 45&46. When Roy puts the glasses on Riza, it's like his flirty response to Riza wiping his face (plus he's trying to lighten the mood). And in the manga (there are so many here too!), chapter 37, the telephone sexiness, and then when Roy's all "LIEK OMG RIZA'S IN TROUBLE!!!111".

19. Which line of Roy’s do you like best?
"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, I'm going to pee!" (lol i just saw that subtitle on a screenshot, i hope it was Roy)

20. And what about Riza’s?
"Colonel, please use that warm heart of yours to sign these documents." God bless the GBA games. ;_;

21. How do you think those two meet? Details, please.
At a rave.
Roy: (dances over to Riza) (yelling over thumping drum n bass) HEY!
Riza: (yell) HELLO!
Riza: SURE!

Seriously, she was prolly put under his command in Ishvar, maybe he told her of his Fuhrer plans, and she saw something in him that made her want to follow and protect him. Or there's the childhood theory ... that might make their bond stronger ... or something.

22. What’s the ideal RoyAi scenario?
Alone in the office. ;)

23. ‘Or maybe AiRoy is better...’ have you ever thought so?
Nah :) What about Margott/Roy! XD

24. What do you think the Colonel’s REAL goal is?
Change the way the country is run ... though it's a naive idea, he'd certinly be a better Fuhrer than Bradley.

25. The gaiden [Dog of the Military]. If you have read it, your thoughts?
The best gaiden ... it's where Riza gets Hayate! Also, it illustrates that Hawkeye has a warm heart, but is still strict. also .... Roy says she is kind!! OMG!!!1111

26. So what do you think of the Colonel in full dress uniform and his hair all swept up?
Nice ...

27. And the First Lieutenant in full dress uniform skirt?
Why can't she wear that skirt in the office? Roy was too sad to notice during the funeral.

28. Do you want to see Riza in a miniskirt?
Sure! Isn't she already wearing one in the Dream Carnival game?

29. Do you think about it every day?
About Riza in a miniskirt? No ....

30. Write a comedy episode about it. Come on, give it a try.
Roy craftily buys Riza a "special" present for her birthday. He presents it to her after work, and they are the only ones left in the building. Hawkeye is surprised, but calmly unties the bow and opens the box to reveal ... a skirt?

"Why Colonel, I don't recall ever telling you my size," she says in an unamused voice.

"You didn't ..." The Colonel drew closer to her, and asked her in a husky whisper, "So I suppose you should try it on ...?"

Hawkeye shrugged and turned around to place the skirt on her desk. "Mm, maybe later--"

She gasped as she felt Roy pull her to him from behind, his lips and breath brushing against her ear. "How about now? If you want I can help you ..." He loosened her belt and slowly slid his free hand down her thigh, then brought it back out to tug at her trousers.

Looking around all corners of the Colonel's office, she confirmed to herself that no one could see them, and smiled. "Alright... I suppose a little fashion show never hurt anyone.

And then they had sex on his desk !!!!!! The end!!!!!!

LOL! that wasn't comedy, it was hentai ........ oh well, I've been wanting to do a birthday fic for a while now anyway.

31. What do you think is the ideal age for the Colonel? (29 in canon)
eh, 27?

32. And the First Lieutenant?
Early twenties ...

33. What do you want to see them wear as casual clothes?
They already have a cool fashion sense ..... so I just wanna see Roy in sexy satin boxers and Riza in sexy satin lingerie. ;-D

34. What do you think Roy calls Riza in private?

35. Same, Riza toward Roy?
Sir, Colonel XD

36. What’s their ideal height?
The Colonel is a few centimeters taller than in cannon

37. The height difference being?
Maybe 5cm

38. The ideal voice actor (Japanese, but we can just wing it and use English VA, if you want) for the Colonel?
This is the only question i have no business answering ;) ...

39. And for the First Lieutenant?
'' '' ''

40. What song do you think would fit RoyAi best?
LOL, i have no idea ... how about some "Strict Machine" by Goldfrapp? XD Hawkeye is a Strict Machine ...
41. What RoyAi stuff do you want to see in Canon!FMA?
Admittance!!! Even more sexual tension!

42. And what variation of RoyAi do you absolutely hate?
Don't know O_O

43. Do you intend to spread of the word of RoyAi to others? (Hee, we sound like a cult...)

44. Just like a religion?
Yes, sir!

45. Say something to the Colonel.
Tell her how you feel, before it's too late!

46. Say something to the First Lieutenant.
Check out his records for sexual diseases first ....

47. Anything to request of Arakawa-sensei?
Don't be mean, ma'am!

48. Do you think you’ll go on liking this pairing?
For a while ....;)

49. What is RoyAi to you?
Very sexy!

50. You must be tired. Say something in parting.
Tschuess !
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