I was just surfing LJ, like the psycho anonymous stalker that I am, and I suddenly found an LJ of someone that died. Apparently,
persephone767 died in March 2004 from hitting her head in the bathtub during an epileptic ceasure 0_o Which means that the last post was one month before she died. It didn't come to mind that there would be stuff life this on LJ. Death makes me all sad inside....so yeah, just thought I'd spread the love...
In other news, I just finished FINALLY cleaning my backyard. I planted some seeds that Raph's mom gave us 2 years ago. Here's hoping that they are not impotent. Fortunately, they fare well in both light and shade. Now, all I need is lots of rain! Do the rain dance people. Woo. I'm exhausted. Tomorrow we leave for Valleyfield to visit Raph's friend.