Et tu, Alumni Directory?

Sep 14, 2005 08:49

Google can be a nice distraction when you're bored. Sometimes I google people I've lost contact with, or even myself (did you know that I'm a conservative politician in Scotland?). Well, late last night I tried using the Duke Alumni Directory for much the same purposes. It did indeed help pass the time, but I stumbled on the biggest scandal ever. Bigger than Plame. Bigger than Iran-Contra. Bigger than "so what you suck".

When I did a search on myself, I found that the address was incorrect. It was, in fact, a familiar location on Bleecker Street. Now, I did spend a couple weeks there when I first moved back to the US, and one could put forward a reasonable argument that I should be paying rent now, but I've never listed it as my address on the Alumni Directory. Perplexed, I read on.

And then I found It. An "It" so shocking, so terrifying, that I can't describe it, I can only show It:

Relation Type SPOUSE
Spouse/Partner Name Ms. Allison Ann Williams

NOT COOL. The reaction can only be described as "snickerhorror".

Doing a search on Ali's name, you find me listed as her spouse. That would lead me to believe that my account probably wasn't hacked, someone just sent some false info to the Alumni Association (or whoever maintains the directory).


1. I'll update my directory info. Wifey, you should do the same. I'll send an email to the alumni association to check and see if this information goes anywhere else where it might need to be fixed!

2. After fixing the problem, the vile perpetrator(s) must be punished for their actions. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that whoever did this either reads our LJs or is a friend of someone who does. REVEAL THYSELF, SCOUNDREL!
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