Day 01 - Introduce yourself
Hello there! I'm Kerri, formally known as
cherrymaryberry , and welcome to my new and (hopefully) soon-to-be improved journal!
I'm twenty years old, live in Texas, and currently going to college as a social studies major with a minor in secondary education. I'm still trying to figure out how this whole "adult" thing works.
I like artsy things. I'm not a big outdoors person. Because nature? Yuck. If I do pull myself away from my laptop it's to go somewhere else that's also indoors. I love swimming but I don't get to do it as often as like. I have the travel bug and there are so many places I want to go to. (I need to find that winning lottery ticket or a money tree.)
I'm a big TV/Movie buff. My first TV show that I remember keeping track of was Sailor Moon. I was one of those girls that had Sailor Moon mangas/dolls/toys/clothes. My walls were covered in pictures from anything I could find. If it was Sailor Moon related I had it. It was pretty crazy. Sailor Neptune was my favorite one in case anyone wants to know. Then I found Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it changed my life. Other TV shows followed like Angel, Charmed, and Gilmore Girls. Within the past three years and I've gotten into Supernatural, Bones, House M.D, The Tudors, Serenity/Firefly, LOST, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Leverage, Mad Men, True Blood, Glee, an on-off-on-off relationship with Smallville, and most recently Castle. I tend to avoid reality shows. I have paid attention to American Idol on and off since it's been on. I got into Season 7 which I thought was really good but since then I haven't really watched it.
My first movies were the Rogers and Hammerstein musicals. I watched Sound of Music, Our State Fair, and South Pacific so much that I wore them down. I'm not kidding. My Nana, who I spent a good bit of time at her house, had to buy replacements. I didn't like Oklahoma that much for some reason. I had memorized "So Long, Farewell" from the Sound of Music by every lyric and would sing and act it out no matter who was around. This was all by the time I was in first grade. I must have been six? I'm not kidding. I think there's a video recording of me performing it somewhere if it hadn't gotten thrown out when we moved the 3rd time. Gone With The Wind also heavily influence me and pretty much all of Audrey Hepburn's movies. Funny Face is one of my favorite movies. Judy Garland, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Liza Minnelli, Barbra Streisand, Bernadette Peters. I still love musicals but my interest as expand to fantasy(I fucking love Lord Of The Rings and nothing can convience me other wise. Yes, Return of the King has 20 different endings. I don't care!), action, adventure, historical fiction, period dramas, some horror, some romantic comedy. I tend not to watch just comedy because most of the time its just slap-stick and stupid. I like drama with your occasional comic relief.
I say I have a wide interest in music. Most would call it weird. I would listen to records and tapes from Andrew Lloyd Webber's musicals(like you didn't see that one coming), the biggest one being Phantom of the Opera and the second one being CATS. But other then soundtrack to musicals I tend to like a little bit of everything. I don't call bands or singers by their sub-genres of sub-genres. So if it's known as alternative gothic rock on the charts I just stick with rock. Live with it. I like your classic bands such as Queen, the Beatles, Heart. I like a good bit of pop, some country, soft rock, various music from the 80s and 90s. Recently I discovered Florence + The Machine and I love her! Lady Gaga and The Pretty Reckless are guilty pleasures. I love The Killers, Breaking Benjamin, and Seether. I used to be a hardcore Evanescence fan mostly because I was in love with Amy Lee but I'm not so much anymore.
I used to a big bookworm but in the past three years I haven't read as much as I used to. My schools through middle school had a program called "accelerated reader" where different books would be worth so many points, when you finished it you would take a test over it and get a different amount of points depending on how many questions were right. When I was in 8th grade I got over 500 points and at the end of the school year I got a 50 gift card to Barns and Noble. I love historical fiction. Did I mention I used to be a history major before I switched to social studies. No? Well now you do. ;)
I play a few games. Mostly PC because my parents just didn't buy me games. I was a pretty big player of the Carmen Sandiego line, Sims, Heroes of Might and Magic, Zelda. This past year Dragon Age:Origins. A few other games here and there. The only comic I've ever gotten really into is X-men. Don't get me started on the movies. Just don't. The X-men cartoon is so much better.
I don't consider myself a girlie girl. I don't care much for pick. I didn't start wearing makeup till I was 16. I don't have pierced ears. I rarely ever paint my finger and toe nails. I liked Disney when I was younger like most kids but I was never OHMYGODDISNEY!! DISNEY!! Not that there isn't anything wrong with people who are. I just didn't love it as some people do. My favorite female characters were Meg and Mulan and they aren't princesses. If I had to pick a favorite princess it would be Belle because she read and had brown hair. Like I did.
I read fanfiction and sometimes write (okay-ish) fic.
I'm a cat lover. A very crazy cat lover.
I'm quiet, random, tend to keep to myself. I think I'm easy to make friends with. If you have any interest that I also do we can be automatic friends. I'm easily amused and bought. Give me chocolate and I'll be your friend forever. I have a problem of saying I'm going to do things and then actually finishing them. It's a flaw I'm working on. Also I setting much higher exceptions on my self then I should and I procrastinate. Working on both. I also over spend. Also, working on that.
My favorite color is red.
I think that covers everything.
Oh and I love gifs...
Image heavy!