Buffy the Vampire Slayer Meme Day 1: Your Favorite Season
I started watching Buffy during season 4 and caught up over the summer. I became totally in love and utterly obsessed with it. I loved the characters, the story, the banter. I used to know the show so well I could tell you the title, who wrote it, and sometimes who directed it (not so much anymore because my memory has been stuff full of pointless information and other shows. I'm still pretty good with titles) I still recite the dialogue for it till this day. I'd have say my favorite season was the second. It has some of the best episodes, the best villain, one of the funniest episodes, the most character development and changes, and very few episodes that I didn't like.I think this was Buffy at its best, closely followed by the third and fifth. It changed my life and has brought me some great friends since it's been a part of my life. To me Buffy has been more then just a show.
All images taken from
BuffyWorld Any know of any free image editing programs besides gimp? Gimp is pesky for me.
Day 2: Favorite Episode
Day 3: Favorite Song Used In An Episode
Day 4: Favorite Female Character
Day 5: Least Favorite Female Character
Day 6: Favorite Male Character
Day 7: Least Favorite Male Character
Day 8: Favorite Friendship
Day 9: Favorite Romance
Day 10: Least Favorite Season
Day 11: Least Favorite Romance
Day 12: Least Favorite Episode
Day 13: Favorite Potential Slayer
Day 14: Favorite Female Villain
Day 15: Favorite Male Villain
Day 16: Episode You Like That Everyone Else Hates
Day 17: Character You Relate To The Most
Day 18: Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time
Day 19: Character You Like That Everyone Else Hates
Day 20: Best Spike-centric Episode
Day 21: Best Willow-centric Episode
Day 22: Best Xander-centric Episode
Day 23: Two Characters You Wanted To Get Together That Never Did
Day 24: Favorite Example of 90s Special Effects
Day 25: Favorite Buffyverse Saying
Day 26: Favorite Scooby Moment
Day 27: Cutest Moment
Day 28: Character You Love To Hate
Day 29: Episode You Hate That Everyone Else Loves
Day 30: What You Think Made Buffy So Great