cosmicflame Aug 14, 2007 23:37
lament of the lamb, gore, death note, lorna, fsn, france, fate/stay night, power of flower, fan translation, saber, elfen lied, kanon, manga, rachel, translation, hayate no gotoku, hayate, mirror moon, illness, games, to-love-ru, hina-chan, work, rin, endings, doujinshi, anime, alarm, karin, cold, ai love you
cosmicflame Oct 02, 2006 20:24
cous-cous, food, monkey island, lonely, hashbrowns, hug, yes, pizza, cold, manga, sausages, no energy
cosmicflame Dec 25, 2005 02:24
god, christmas, bed, cold, blessing
cosmicflame Nov 29, 2005 13:18
rick wakeman, nick, hour, rick, town, nose, cs1111, tibia, studio, rick's place, tesco, 1111, food, karvol, cancel, liz, home, dinner, tascam, sore throat, better, maths, sleep, iceland, snifflyness, cold, music, lecture, shopping, coursework
cosmicflame Nov 28, 2005 16:15
singing, absolute harmony, cold, coursework, java
cosmicflame Aug 09, 2005 03:20
lonely, prog fans, truth, weird, late night, no sleep, girlfriend, cold, female company, karma, bike ride
cosmicflame Aug 07, 2005 02:08
norwich, charming, deep stuff, crises, weird, prog, rant, grandparents, dark, cold, mike oldfield
cosmicflame Jul 31, 2005 00:33
early night, bed, cold