.::It's a Damn Cold Night::.

Aug 19, 2002 05:56

Hiya Pals :D Mornin Sunshines. I'm hyper; and I haven't gone to bed yet. heh. I made this new little layout situation last night, tried adding a background, and realized I'm a fuckin DUB and I aligned it all wrong. Go me Go me.

SoOo.. UPDATE on the Will situation. He got SHELLY to tell me all along that she was his girlfriend so that me and him wouldn't fight and he wouldn't cause me pain. Isn't that bullshit? Yeah fuck that, like he didn't already cause me enough. lol OH WELL, his bad. Anyways, his new girlfriend is Tiffany, a girl he USED to date for 2 years, and GET THIS, she lives in Missouri now. But the wierd thing is he went to Kansas as you all know, and where she was was an hour away from where he stayed. HMM...are you thinking what I'm thinking? Why was he acting wierd? Why was he being a fag? maybe he SAW her? :D Oh but he never "cheats on people" Sure sure Will, we all believe ya ;D I'm not playing these childish lying games, fuck it, someday he'll realize TIFFANY won't take him to otown concerts..TIFFANY won't let him CRY LIKE A BABY on her shoulder, TIFFANY won't put out..{okay maybe she will but not as good as me} and TIFFANY can't deep throat his BIG ONE. so UMPH UMPH..tiffany ain't shit..and anah's da bomb? right right. YEAH FOLKS, you better agree. :D LoL

I love my dad, no really, not being gay, but I've wanted to hang out with him a lot lately. I called him this morning at like 5, but his celly wasn't on >:O cuz i wanted him to take me mccy d's with him for breakfast.w00tw00t.

So yeah, anyone wanna help me spiff up my layout? you can help me and I'll send you money and shit in the mail you HEARDDD? k thanks love you *

btw..heres a poem I wrote.

Broken Promises, Harmful Words
lately thats been all I've heard
A distant memory,your smile your tears
remembering the times you'd erase my fears...
reccollecting memories, the ones you can forget
you hold a new life, all I find is regret
I don't know why i thought, I could give you my all
when all this time I'm feeling down, you haven't ONCE caught my fall
you've taken something from me, that I will never get back
I still care, and I'm still there, must be something that you lack
I thought you were a man, My thoughts must be fake
As I'm lying here alone I think, you're STILL my favorite mistake.

*` A n A h
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