Honey check it, tell your friends to get with my friends and we could be friends. Shit, we could do this every weekend. Aight? Is that aight wit you?
This past weekend 5 of my friends came to visit from Florida. 2 of them I grew up with and have been friends with for the last 10 years. Then there was another who I also know for that long but she moved away about 5 years ago and she came up here with a friend of hers that I did not know. All the girls showed up Friday and then Saturday my friend Iszy showed up as well. Basically the weekend was spent exploring the city and getting high and shopping. Thats pretty much it...lol. We had a really great time though. I have to say though, it was incredibly stressful. I mean, I was happy to have them, but I'm pretty neurotic about my apt. being clean (unless its my mess, lol) so having this tiny apt. filled all weekend was just UGH!!! But I got through it and in the end it was worth it.
So Im moving back in July. Im so happy and excited. Especially now that I convinced mom to pay for school, meaning I can go back in August versus January and I don't have to worry about coming up with that money. I am ecstatic.
So let's see, aside from that nothing really new in my hood. This weekend I think Im just gonna lay low. My friend is coming to visit (from the city, not out of town) and we'll probably just hang and be "retarded" lol.
Oh, other things to be excited about...Memorial Day weekend the kids' parents invited me to join them when they go to Wash. D.C. I have never been and I think of Memorial Day weekend more as a party weekend, but I've never been to D.C. and I figure it doesn't hurt to go considering it's pretty much a free ride to see another city. ***ARI - IF YOU ARE READING, LET ME KNOW IF YOU WILL BE IN D.C. BY THEN CAUSE MAYBE WE CAN MEET UP*** Aside from that in early July right before I leave I will be taking a weekend to go up to the kids' grandparents' lake house upstate. I have to watch the kids while I'm there, but there will still be plenty of downtime to relax and enjoy the surroundings.
Having my friends over this weekend made me realize 2 things...I miss being home AND I really need to explore this city the remainder of the time I have left here. I can't believe I've been here about 8 months and still have so much to do...so, I plan on doing some of those touristy things before I leave this summer.
Anyways, nature is calling and I'm sleepy anyway so I'll HOLLA :) lol