He did an awesome interview this month for GQ. I will post the link because I am too stupid to figure out how to make it show up as one word like other people do.
http://www.gq.com/entertainment/celebrities/201008/bill-murray-dan-fierman-gq-interview?currentPage=1 I love celebrities like him, Jack Nicholson, Harry Dean Stanton, Cher, and a few others, who have been around so long and done so much that they don't give a fuck anymore, and they tell the truth about everything. It's so refreshing to find honesty in a celebrity interview.
One of Murray's revelations is that he did Garfield because he loves the Coen brothers and it was written by Joel Coen. While he was recording the voice for the movie and reading the awful script (apparently he didn't get past the first few pages when he agreed to do it-- shame, shame, Bill), he found out it was a different Joel Coen. Classic.
He also says he has never seen The Office, Seinfeld, Clerks, or most of Judd Apatow's movies. Apparently he watches a lot of CSPAN. Huh.
He communicates with most everyone (presumably not his family, though one never knows) through a 1800 number that he checks at his leisure. I think I would pay practically my entire life savings for that number, just to call and tell him how fucking fantastic I think he is. And possibly recite a poem. He did a thing once-- I saw it on Entertainment Weekly's website, I believe-- where he went to a site where a construction crew was building a residence for poets or something, and he recited poems to all the workers while wearing a hard hat. It redefined awesome.