
May 05, 2004 22:05

ok. this is my vain attempt to run through the 4 day odyssey that was our senior trip. this is going to be long, and hard. bear with me.

friday was spent on the bus at like 6 am. or 5. hell i dont remember. Whenever, it isnt really important, suffice to say we got there at a reasonable time. something like 1230?? 1?? within the first 10 minutes of being in dc, i pull some insanely dumb shit - we are standing in line at some subway deal, and craig says somwething retarded. dan tells him to shut up, and me, being the politically correct individual taht i am, said "thas right nigga." annd there was a black guy standing in front of me in line. i ran. then we went to some museum deal??? i dont know. it was cute whatever it was, the museums werent the important part. i do rememeber a picture being taken of craig and josh in a doorway labelled "white" and me in an adjacent doorway with my head down all sad like labelled "colored." i think craig has that picture, no, steuben does. then we finally made it to the hotel. it was some doubletree shit, not that i know what that means, but it was decvent nonetheless. we made it real nice and such, what with me and my corner and the xbox and the darts in that picture with all the mens asses hanging out. in fact, that was the perfect picture for this room. after the hotel, we headed to the washington monument area or something like that and were allowed to tour shit by ourselves. claire and i ran awaty from kims molelike boyfriend and checekd out the lincoln jaunt and the newly opened world war II monument. we couldnt find the Iwo Jima monument for the life of us. eventually that ended, and we went back to the hotel. i really dont think anything of importance happened at this junction, probably just some lewd instances of homosexuality. qwhich is fine.

things got a bit more crazy here. i cant remember if it was saturday or friday that we met the psycho homeless guy. oh fuck. it was friday wasnt it. whatever, its not saturday. before the homeless man, we were ambushed by some hippie yahoo with offers of the krsna and such. well, we bought into his salesmanship and bought several copies. i dished out 10 dollars on the thing. fuck that guy and his jip joint. then, otuside of the smithsonian i believe, we saw this dirty, leaf covered, black man who approached us babbling nonsense about the krsna. apparently he was an egyptian at some point, and scolded us for not knowing anything about the krsna which we were carrying around in the open like a bunch of idiots, which we were. this whole ordeal took like 30 minuts, we couldnt get rid of him. it was especially funny because i was playing devils advocate and steven was gettign it BAD. "this guy dropped out of high school in 8th grade and youre going to boston college and he still knows mroe than you. " beyond that i dont recall anyhtign of signifigance. we had lunch at um somethwere. more hotel time. i think i napped. then we were supposed to go to more monuments, but it was kinda raining. so we did it anyway. we went to te JFK jaunt and taught lunderman about how the new deal was actually good, as opposed to what he wrote on the ap us test last year. good times when josh did the "NOooNOoooo" at random people who gave him incredibly dirty looks cause they apparently loved JFK. and craig or josh or maybe steuben giving me the ultimate piggy back ride throughout the whole exhibit. Then we got back to the hotel and i believe we either watched american pie 2 with the girls or played insane amounts of halo. either way we are pathetic and homosexual.

my pick for the bset day. fuck. i did it again. saturday night we went to the pentagon mall. and the art museum, where we met jared janiczek. that was a good time, except for the fact that that place was SO overprioced it hurt me. anyway, we ate popeyes chicken in the negro section, as we wanted to get in touch with out roots. i bought some diesel jeans in nordstroms, while craig and steve bought random shirts form express for men, which i cant bring myself to do because i associate express with women way too much and will never get away from that. plus, their style was too flaky for my tastes, but it goes well with craqigs. whats up. annywayy, sunday in the morning we went to mount vernon wehjre we toured washingtons planation. it sucked. but whatever, we had a good time regardless. then hotel time, where i think we had the marshmallow / shaving cream battle. that was ridiculous and left craig, steubeb, and the room covered in SHIT. by this time, the room was so gross it was becoming more disgusting than like, the shanty that hippie lives in. i dont even know how to describe the sty wwre were living in at this time. whatever. my corner waas still ultimte. oh, and at some point we got our picture taken at the captiol. saturday monring i believe. then we went to the holocasut museum, which was incredible. it only sucks because there were so many people i was too afraid to say anyhtign to anyone for fear of being killed by the jews. or the nazis. or someone. i probably deserved it. anyway, it was a good time, and a really ncie museum to boot. at night we went to some dinner theate dive whcih was a HILARIOUS time. moose. MOOOSE. the hsow was actually inctredibly funny and well choreographed. i had an exceptional time. special thanks to ainsely macdogual for being a psyucho and making me giggle constantly. and josh for the NOooo and lunderman the FWEEENILLL!! after that we watched the video some bithc shot of washington thus far. it was a fun time, except for the fact that my class is DISGUSTING.

the neverending trip home. nothing of signifigance happened sunday. it was rainy and shitty and just overall terrible. but we had good times anyway. lots of sitting, eating at shitty places, and cemetaries. and the changing of the guard is the most extraordinary display of bs i have ever seen. thats it.

i apologize for the lackluster sunday entry but im getting tired of typing and i want to go to bed because i apparently have an ap english test tomorrow monring whichi am incapable of reviewing for.

all i need is a 3, and, if i dont pull that off, i most likely dont deserve to live bcause that is just PATHETIC. i wish i had ambition..

so, washington was an INCREDIBLE time and i wish i got to go again. or someting cheesy like taht, wahtever. :D
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