I am leaning towards a new poster, even if it'd take some time to find the right one. I could find one that fits the frame instead of hoping one of the ones I own fit. I am shying away from collage because as I stated above my arts and craft skills are not what I would call mad. I'd need someone with demonstrated skills of an artist.
I dunno last time I saw it was at Thunderdome. Didn't you stick a picture of you on/near it to show how you and Bruce are similarly endowed (in the chin region)?
That might have been the CrackPig as done that. It was up in my office at Mac for a time... did I ever tell you I named by computer at the Dept. "Ash"? It fit with their theme (other comps were sage, thyme, dogwood, etc.) but obviously I had another idea in mind.
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