(Working) Title for the Series: You Became to Me
Author: That would be me (
Fandom: Star Wars AU, eventually spanning all canon and EU publishing eras, though currently focused primarily on the prequel era.
Characters: Pretty much everybody from the prequel era films and EU (though with some exceptions, of course), plus some other (relatively) minor original characters for good measure. The main characters (and eventual main couple) are Obi-Wan and Anakin. More main characters (and other important couples, like Qui-Gon and Dooku) will also figure in this series; however, to list all of the currently known eventual characters (canon or EU or otherwise) and relationships here unfortunately would be to spoil many of the stories yet to be written within the series.
Main Pairing: Eventually Obi-Wan and Anakin, following the AU demise of the Anakin/Amidala relationship. Other fairly major relationships will also feature in the series, but this series essentially revolves around the binary star of the relationship between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
Rating: I'd say mainly PG-13 sliding occasionally into R territory, with a few infrequent forays into NC-17 territory. I will try to rate things as clearly as possible; however, readers should always take care to review the material in the author/story notes sections, and should be aware that there is some sexually explicit material in a handful of chapters in the third book of Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith!
Word Count: Quite a bit upwards of 1,000,000 words and counting!
Genre: Erhm . . . sci-fi, romance, action/adventure, drama, mystery, comedy, all those things a good SW story generally is. (And, again, it's AU!)
Time Period: This series will eventually include all time periods known to the GFFA, including eras not on the list of the seven current canon/EU publishing eras. The current focus is on the prequel era, given the importance of the Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship, but planned works (prequels and sequels to novel-length stories already completed) will be venturing as far back as the Pre-Republic and eventually cover enough time to venture into the period that, in the EU, is known as Legacy era.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Star Wars, more's the pity! What I do have is an extremely contrary muse that refuses to shut up and leave me alone and way, way, way too much ambition . . .
Summary: This entire series was initially spawned by a combination of my long-standing belief (arrived at first when I was all of five years old, after my first viewing of the movie that would become known as A New Hope) that one of the two OTPs set forth in the SW OT films is Obi-Wan/Anakin and a very specific "what if . . . ?" sort of idea that occurred to me after I read James Luceno's Labyrinth of Evil. Initially planned as a one-shot rewrite of RotS with some material from Labyrinth of Evil, plot threads and ideas grew and split and multipled and then grew and split and multipled again and continued to do so until finally, nearly a million words into it, I finally gave in and acknowledged the fact that I was dealing with an AU series that would end up spanning multiple eras of history in the GFFA. So while this is a series that follows/is informed by events that occur in EU and canon, this is only true to a certain extent, and that extent will be decreasing sharply, following the prequel era, as points of divergence increase and multiply and the shape of the future becomes more and more AU.
Warnings: If I had realized, when I started this, how difficult it is to edit a WiP on the LJ, I would have waited to post anything until I was basically done with a complete first draft. Of course, if I'd realized going in to this that I was dealing with a multi-era-spanning AU series, I would have done a whole heckuva lot of things differently. Unfortunately, as I did not know either of these things, the sad truth is that the series, as it currently stands, is a lot different in the WordPerfect files I have saved on my computer than it is as various parts of it have been posted on my personal LJ. Because I lack the time and patience to try to reformat and repost everything to my LJ (given that many chapters in the novel-length works are simply too long to publish in the body of one single LJ post apiece), I have tried very hard to get the current states of finished works in the series (as they are in their WordPerfect files) up on the ff.net another fandom site that (while not necessarily easier to use) at least doesn't require the reformatting of specific passages of text in order to get things properly italicized, bolded, etc. As I would prefer for readers to read things in their most current forms, I am going to attempt to keep an updated post with links to these ff.net final/current versions of specific parts of the series crossposted to the various SW communities on the LJ in which it seems appropriate for the planned series (as a m/m, f/f, f/m and/or m/f, cross-species [most taken directly from the EU], occasional multi-partner work of canon- and EU-based AU fanfic) to find readers. Because of community restrictions, some communities will only be receiving an abbreviated version of this updated post. Anyone who doesn't want to risk reading from an abbreviated version should please refer to my personal LJ or ff.net account, as I keep pretty much everything there!
Finished works in my AU series You Became to Me currently include:
1). So Much for Outbound Flight, a novel-length (131,830 words, according to ff.net) AU rewrite of Timothy Zahn's EU novel Outbound Flight
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3369694/1/SO_MUCH_FOR_OUTBOUND_FLIGHT 2). Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith: Book I: In the Darkness Before the Dawn, the first book in an AU trilogy covering the events of RotS (305,727 words long, according to ff.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4009816/1/Thwarting_the_Revenge_of_the_Sith_Book_I 3). Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith: Book II: Balancing the Force, the second book in an AU trilogy covering the events of RotS (332,220 words long, according to ff.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4011730/1/Thwarting_the_Revenge_of_the_Sith_Book_II 4). Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith: Book III: The Promise of a New Order, the third book in an AU trilogy covering the events of RotS (384,666 words long, according to ff.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4011945/1/Thwarting_the_Revenge_of_the_Sith_Book_III 5). "Snapshots of Padmé Amidala's Life, After Obi-Wan," a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for most of the time frame covered by the prequel era (3,977 words long, according to ff.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3693656/1/Snapshots_of_Padm_Amidalas_Life_After_ObiWan 6). "Only a Dream?" a short story set a few years before the start of the Clone Wars (2,737 words long, according to ff.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4026312/1/Only_a_Dream 7). "Suffering in Chains: Breha Antilles Organa," a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for most of the time frame covered by the prequel era (4,924 words long, according to ff.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4050716/1/Suffering_in_Chains_Breha_Antilles_Organa 8). "Gaining Freedom: Darred Janren’s Story," a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for a bit more of the time frame that what's covered by the prequel era films (4,248 words long, according to ff.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4050699/1/Gaining_Freedom_Darred_Janrens_Story 9). "Yearning to Be Free: Zai’ac Malthias Konran, Better Known as Mal," a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for a good deal of the time frame covered by the prequel era (3,985 words long, according to ff.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4050689/1/Yearning_to_Be_Free_Zaiac_Malthias_Konran_Mal Author's Note #1: Readers should please note that my other listed SW work “Dormé in Darkness,” a different sort of AU short story/character sketch for the individual in question for most of the time surrounding the Clone Wars (4,640 words long, according to ff.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4011911/1/Dorm_in_Darkness does not fit within the scope of my AU SW series. It is, in fact, a deliberately AU take on my own AU's version of Dormé Tammesin. It was a joy to write (I finished it in about two-three hours of nonstop writing one evening), but it is not consistent with the 'verse of You Became to Me (as anything other than a branching in the timeline that was once possible, if certain points of divergence had come to fruitation, but instead was rendered obsolete by the outcome of specific events).
Author's Note #2: For the purposes of my SW AU series, I've been given permission by
cariel both to refer to some of the details of her AU SW Dormékin works and to use the names that she came up with for the children that Anakin and Dormé and that Obi-Wan and Sabé have together in her various AU SW Dormékin and Sobiwan works. Readers familiar with her work will notice that the names and details are all somewhat skewed and generally also much darker than how she's written things. Consider it the result of viewing what could have been, according to some of the various possible branchings of time's probable courses, through the lense of a far different reality than the alternate realities she writes within. (The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and quantum indeterminacy would, I think, tend to require that the butterfly effect compound itself in such a case.) I've got an actual itemized version of the differences in the lives of Dormé and Sabé based on what I know about how they grew up in my AU and how I generally recall them growing up in
cariel's AUs, if anybody's interested, over at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/97633.html but please keep in mind that I'm not an expert, as I can't claim to have read all of
cariel's works (or the various works that others have written within the 'verses of some of her AUs), though it was through her that I pretty much first became aware of the existence of both the fandom ships and rationals supporting the ships of Obi-Wan/Sabé (Sobiwan) and Anakin/Dormé (Dormékin).
Author's Note #3: Readers really should note that my grasp of the character of Padmé Amidala underwent an enormous evolution during the process of writing the Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith trio, and that at least part of the final stages of this evolution was inpsired/influenced by my discovery of one of the first truly sympathetic portrayals of Padmé as a consistently strong and yet immensely human character I'd ever really come across in the entire SW fandom: the Padmé Amidala Naberrie Kenobi of
so-out-of-ideas and
aruna7's wonderful ongoing AU series One Path (which is essentially an AU rewrite of the timeframe covered by the six-film saga), a combination of fanfic, vids, and icons/manips that can be found, for interested parties, at
shipper_asylum. It wasn't until after I began to read and watch this superb AU 'verse that I truly felt as if I had a complete grasp on both Padmé's full potential as a character and the true depth of her tragedy (as opposed to Anakin's tragedy and the galaxy's tragedy), in both the films and my own AU work, and it was at this point that I went from being a writer who'd started out frankly feeling so let by down her character as to wholly despise her within the context of the canon and yet who'd nonetheless gradually come (in the process of writing first her death and then her unflinchingly courageous and selfless reaction to her death) to feel as if her character had perhaps been badly used by both the Sith and certain circumstances and events and so was at least somewhat worthy of sympathy, to being a writer who not only felt sorry for but truly liked and so mourned the passing of Padmé's character within the context of the story. This would never have happened without the insights into Padmé's potential as a character, as provided by
so-out-of-ideas and
aruna7, and I can assure you, dear readers, that the plans I have in mind for the character I will, for now, simply refer to as the aftermath of Padmé-in-Sola, would also never have come about, if not for the discussions I've had with
so-out-of-ideas and
aruna7 about the truly wondrous AU they've created and their ideas about how some things in the GFFA work. Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith: Book III: The Promise of a New Order would be far different than it is and far less than it is, if not for the insight and ideas and new direction afford by my contact with One Path and my many friendly discussions on various SW-related topics with
so-out-of-ideas and
aruna7, folks!
Otherwise, if anyone is confused by the plethora of titles for certain works, please keep the following in mind:
1). You Became to Me is the name I've given to my overall AU series, much as the EU authors called the overall series involving the Yuuzhan Vong War The New Jedi Order.
2). Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith is a subtitle specific to a completed trio (roughly 1,004,000 words in length) within that larger series (like the Agents of Chaos subtitle was specific to that duology within the larger New Jedi Order series).
3). Individual titles for novel-length works are either listed following the subtitle specific to the trio (or duo or otherwise, as will likely become the case with later works) or else alone, as with the (roughly 130,500 words in length) So Much for Outbound Flight story.
Anyone at all curious about the plans I have for this ridiculously huge and sprawling epic series should feel free to either respond here or to send me an email at the address listed on my user information page!