The Mystery of the Dopplegangers

Aug 27, 2005 21:20

Am I the only one who is COMPLETELY baffled by the fact that mannequins possess nipples? What exactly is the point of this? I mean, we can't really care about making them "more lifelike" because half of them don't have heads. They just headless bodies, but with nipples. Now, maybe we're trying to be advisory. Maybe it's the store being all "ladies, this is how you'll look when you're nipping out." That would make sense. But how come the guy mannequins don't have penises then. The store could tell us "guys, this is what you'll look like in these pants when you get wood." That could be equally as helpful.

The thing is, these mannequin nipples aren't just regular run of the mill nipples. They're like super nipples. They practically tent the shirts on the mannequins. So it seems doubtful that stores are really trying to give full "nipping out" disclosure.

Frankly, the whole thing baffles, and weirds me out really. Rational explanations for this phenomenon anyone?
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