Aug 24, 2005 00:11
On the awesomest things ever...
Seriously, is there anything cooler than T-Rex's? I think not. Maybe Ninja Zombie T-Rex's v. Metal Mr. T. That might be cooler. A little. Wait, no, in fact that would be the most awesomest thing ever. Except maybe Ninja Zombie T-Rex and Jesus with a hawk v. Metal Mr. T and Optimus Prime riding a shark. Oh man. My head just EXPLODED with the awesomeness of that last sentence.
On living alone...
I'm digging this living alone thing. I kinda wish I knew when my new roommate was moving in though. I mean, he might walk in on me naked and masturbating in the inflatable pool I filled with lime jello and put in the common room. If I knew when he was coming, I could make sure he does, because good first impressions are important.
On weddings...
Man, it was great to see everyone at David's and Alison's wedding Sunday. I'm sorry I had to leave early. The reception just flew by. I mean, one minute we got there and then it was five o'clock. Just like that. I'm really glad we can do it all again next Sunday for Steve and Reni's wedding. I'm extremely happy for all four of you guys. Congratulations.
On interviews...
They're going alright. I've had three and have two more to go. I never put much store in what goes on in the interview because I've had those that I felt went great and those I felt went really shitty, and get nothing from the former and a callback/offer from the latter. So nothing went terribly wrong, so that's a good sign. What isn't going well is my targeted mailing to the firms that aren't at EIW. For a quick rundown for those of you that are confused, NYU organizes a week where legal employers come to campus to interview (EIW). The employers don't get to choose who they interview, that's determined by a lottery. However, only 5 chicago firms were interviewing people my age (3Ls), and only 13 chicago firms came in all. So I sent resumes and stuff to the other 60 or so big corporate firms in Chicago. I've heard from about 15-20 of them so far, and none are giving me an interview.
The daunting thing is the fact that it might be true that I only have these five I got through EIW. And those aren't even for jobs, that's for the second part in the process, the callback, where you go to the firm and interview with 4 more people. I really am trying to get back to Chicago. Unfortunately, people just don't hire 3Ls like they do 2Ls. I'll keep you updated on my progress on that aspect.
On fictional lands and racist clothes...
How come whenever I do laundry I end up with an odd number of white socks but an even number of black ones? Is there some sort of Sock Narnia where the white socks go to, but is barred to the black socks? I never lose black socks. White socks ditch me like there's no tomorrow however. I think this oppression must be stopped. Where's Aslan when you need him. The white socks are obviously going to support the white queen. In other news, I'm excited for the Narnia movie coming out in the winter, but not as excited as I am for Doom and rent. Seriously. Doom. With the Rock. The fucking ROCK. and Doom. Let the two roll off your tongue. ROCKDoom. DoomRock. They were meant to be together. The Rock rules and Doom rules.
On crazy vegas cab drivers...
We had some angry cab drivers in Vegas. This one particularly stuck out though. It was this maybe 60 year old cowboy looking guy with a salt and pepper mustache and a straw cowboy hat. My dad and I were taking a cab to the Aladdin casino to gamble, and it was the middle of the day. We were chatting a bit, and after driving a while I notice the cab in front of us has a sign that says that the Aladin's buffet was voted the number one buffet in Vegas. Having heard that already about 3 other buffets, I said to my dad, "man, like every buffet is voted number one." My dad chuckled. And Cowboy Bob, as we'll call him, who hasn't said anything the entire trip so far, then says:
"well, there's only one buffet where you can get blow jobs. That's my ex-wife's house. She'll suck you off after she feeds you."
My dad and I are completely taken aback. We nervously chuckle. Cowboy Bob responds:
"That was supposed to be funny."
We laugh a little harder. Cowboy Bob turns his attention to the Aladdin buffet cab and starts screaming at it:
"What the fuck are you doing going so mother fucking slow! It's like you're sucking a goddamned cock or something. Fuck."
We reached the Aladdin shortly after that and said goodbye to Cowboy Bob. My dad and I waited till we were in the casino though to be all "what the heck was that?".
On repetition...
Seriously, fucking T-Rex's rule! Also, if I could do handsprings, I would flip everywhere I went. I would totally be flipping down park avenue in a suit. That would rock.