
Mar 04, 2012 22:24

Disclaimer: I probably don’t own anything you recognise, I probably do own everything you don’t recognise and I’m not making any money from this story.

“Buffy: the Vampire Slayer” is owned by Joss Whedon and company while “House M.D.” is owned by Fox.

Crossover: House M.D./Buffy: the Vampire Slayer.

Pairing: Wilson/House.

Rating: FR13 for the mention of a slash pairing.

Spoilers: Set post-Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and somewhere during the House M.D. series.

Summary: James Wilson had known Gregory House for years longer than any other person had been able to stand being around him and he gladly would have sworn on that House never avoided confrontation.

Story: Proof

James Wilson had known Gregory House for years longer than any other person had been able to stand being around him and he gladly would have sworn on that House never avoided confrontation. At least he would have until five seconds ago. That was when a blonde woman had come stalking into House’s office. Truth be told, if it had been anyone but House, Wilson would have left the office without a second thought, but since it was House-who wouldn’t have left, if their positions had been turned-Wilson stayed.

Wilson watched in fascination as House literally backed away from the furious blonde who was slowly advancing on him. She may have looked like a stiff wind could have knocked her over in a second, but the look in House’s eyes showed real fear; a fear born from wondering how he could survive the confrontation and how well he would survive it.

House had been so intent on following every move the blonde made that he had failed to notice that he had been literally backing himself into a corner until his back hit the wall. If at all possible, fear became even more prominent in House’s eyes as he realised the predicament he suddenly found himself in, as he realised that there was no way that he could escape.

Wilson watched in amazement as the blonde woman reached out, wrapped her slender hand around House’s neck and literally lifted him several inches off the ground-without breaking a sweat-before leaning in close enough to angrily hiss something in his ear. Having done so, she neatly deposited House back on the floor and left.

Waiting until the woman had left the office, Wilson calmly walked over to the door to close it before closing the blinds, plunging House’s office in semi-darkness. Turning around, it was his turn to stalk across the floor; coming to a stop right in front of House.

“Who was that?”

Wilson congratulated himself on sounding calm. Deceptively calm, if the widening of House’s eyes were any indication.

“Buffy Summers.”

“What did she want from you exactly? And how come I’ve never heard of her before? You know how I dislike surprises of that nature, Greg.”

“She’s just a woman that I helped out a couple of years ago.”

A hard glint entered Wilson’s eyes at House’s answer. “Then why did I hear her threaten you never to come near some guy named Xander again?”

House smiled nervously. “I swear, it’s not like it seems, James.”

Wilson smirked. “I’m not convinced. Why don’t you prove to me that I have nothing to worry about, Greg?”

Keeping his eyes on his lover, House slowly sank to his knees and reached for Wilson’s belt buckle.

End of “Proof”.

A/N: This is the third of five stories for another challenge that’s currently running between me and lothlorien. The latter’s challenge answers can be found here. Prompt: House, M.D., jealousy.

For more detailed information on this story of mine, and others, I’d like to point you towards my homepage corrupted_smile. Feel free to join.

Any and all reviews (doesn’t matter which ones: ones that give a simple well-done or ones that give me some kind of feedback) are much appreciated. Flames will be given back to the people who gave them to me with a nice *cough* little note that sets them straight on why I neither like nor condone flames.

series: feelings, type: crossover, fandom: buffy: the vampire slayer, pairing: house/wilson, fandom: house md, type: fan fiction, category: slash

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